Page 211 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 211

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

             1.  Research Model Overview
             The proposed model integrates a CNN-based approach to enhance the efficiency of the VaxHub digital tracking system by
             leveraging data analytics for:
               Predictive demand forecasting
               Appointment scheduling optimization
               Identifying vaccination trends
               Detecting anomalies in vaccination data.
             2.  Proposed CNN Architecture
             The CNN model will be used to analyze vaccination data such as:
               Time-series data of vaccinations
               Demographics-based trends
               Appointment adherence patterns
             CNN Architecture Layers:
             1.  Input Layer:
               Input vaccination-related data (e.g., patient records, scheduling logs).
               Data pre-processing (normalization, encoding categorical features).
             2.  Convolutional Layers:
               Extract patterns related to vaccination demand and inefficiencies.
               Feature maps created from historical vaccination data.
             3.  Pooling Layers:
               Down-sampling to reduce complexity and focus on key trends.
               Max pooling to capture the most significant patterns.
             4.  Fully Connected Layers:
               Interpret features to predict vaccination demand and identify inefficiencies.
             5.  Output Layer:
               Forecast upcoming demand for vaccinations.
               Provide insights for better scheduling and inventory management.
             3.  Research Workflow
             The proposed CNN-based system workflow follows these stages:
             A.  Data Collection:
               Collect vaccination data from VaxHub (appointment records, patient demographics).
             B.  Preprocessing:
               Cleaning and structuring data to feed into the CNN model.

             C.  Model Training:
               Training the CNN nation data.

             IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies   Page 201
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