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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
the threat detection accuracy of InfraGuard and the overall detection and mitigation for critical infrastructure
security posture of critical infrastructure. Furthermore, the protection. Journal of Cybersecurity, 6(1), 1-12.
results demonstrated that InfraGuard's mitigation strategies [3] Chen, L., & Xu, L. (2019). A survey on critical
were effective in reducing the impact of security breaches.
infrastructure protection. Journal of Network and
IX. CONCLUSION Computer Applications, 125, 102-113.
The study concludes that InfraGuard's real-time threat [4]
detection and mitigation capabilities are a precious asset in InfraGuard. (2022). InfraGuard: Real-time threat
detection and mitigation for critical infrastructure.
improving critical infrastructure protection. The study
Retrieved from (link unavailable)
findings are quite useful for owners and operators of critical
infrastructure, as well as security solution providers, to [5] Kumar, P., & Bajaj, K. (2020). Critical infrastructure
increase the security and resilience of critical infrastructure. protection: A study on threat detection and mitigation
strategies. Journal of Information Security, 11(1), 1-15
InfraGuard has proven to be a valuable tool in enhancing the
protection of critical infrastructure in the United States. [6] Alcaraz, C., & Lopez, J. (2019). Critical infrastructure
Through its combination of real-time threat detection, threat protection: A survey. Journal of Network and
intelligence sharing, and rapid mitigation strategies, Computer Applications, 125, 114-125.
InfraGuard plays a vital role in ensuring the resilience of [7]
national infrastructure against cyberattacks. However, Bajaj, K., & Kumar, P. (2020). Real-time threat
detection and mitigation for critical infrastructure
addressing ongoing challenges, such as resource disparities
protection. Journal of Cybersecurity, 6(1), 1-12.
and coordination barriers, remains essential for improving
its effectiveness. [8] Chen, L., & Xu, L. (2019). A survey on critical
infrastructure protection. Journal of Network and
Future advancements, such as the integration of more AI-
driven cybersecurity tools, collaboration with international Computer Applications, 125, 102-113.
stakeholders, and the expansion of InfraGuard's capabilities [9] Cruz, T., & Proença, J. (2020). Critical infrastructure
to cover emerging threats like quantum computing risks, will protection: A review of the current state of research.
further enhance its ability to protect critical infrastructure. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 50,
X. FUTURE SCOPE 102-113.
1. Integration with Other Security Solutions: The future [10] Hahn, A., & Lozano, C. (2019). Critical infrastructure
scope of research would be to integrate InfraGuard with protection: A study on threat detection and mitigation
other security solutions to improve the threat detection strategies. Journal of Information Security, 10(1), 1-
and mitigation capabilities. 15.
2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: [11] Kumar, P., & Bajaj, K. (2020). Critical infrastructure
InfraGuard's threat detection accuracy and response protection: A study on threat detection and mitigation
time can be improved by using artificial intelligence and strategies. Journal of Information Security, 11(1), 1-
machine learning algorithms. 15.
3. Cloud-Based Deployment: The feasibility of cloud-based [12] Liu, C., & Weaver, R. (2020). Real-time threat
deployment for InfraGuard will be a great avenue for detection and mitigation for critical infrastructure
future research. This is because cloud-based deployment protection. Journal of Cybersecurity, 6(2), 1-12.
is very flexible and scalable.
[13] Nascimento, P., & Correia, M. (2020). Critical
4. Comparison with Other Threat Detection Solutions: A infrastructure protection: A survey on threat
comparative study may be done to assess the detection and mitigation strategies. Journal of
effectiveness of InfraGuard in comparison to other Network and Computer Applications, 150, 102-113.
threat detection solutions.
[14] Patel, S., & Sharma, P. (2020). Real-time threat
XI. REFERENCES detection and mitigation for critical infrastructure
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