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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                   Enhancing Critical Infrastructure Protection: A Study on
                   InfraGuards Real-Time Threat Detection and Mitigation

                         Pratik Ahir , Shweta Wase , Ramija Dudhaknoj , Prof. Anupam Chaube
                                           1,2,3,4 Department of Science and Technology,
                         1,2,3 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                          4 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           new vulnerabilities arise, necessitating the need to develop
             Corporate infrastructures are vital for the national security,   strategies that can be used to effectively detect and mitigate
             economic stability,  and safety of the  public.  The leading   threats.  A  leading-edge  security  solution,  InfraGuard
             cybersecurity initiative, InfraGuard, aims at protecting the   provides real-time detection and mitigation capabilities for
             critical infrastructure by offering real-time threat detection   threats.  The  proposed  work  would  study  how  effective
             and mitigating with new advances with respect to cyber   InfraGuard is for improving critical infrastructure protection.
             threats-as also in terms of their corresponding adaptation   II.
             to the private and public sector-as well as in terms of how   RELATED WORK
                                                                InfraGuard is a partnership between the FBI and more than
             technology  facilitates  collaboration  and  advances  threat
             intelligence.  The  central  thesis  of  the  paper  is  the   30,000 private sector entities across multiple industries such
             examination of the technological frameworks, operational   as  energy,  water,  finance,  telecommunications,  and
                                                                transportation.  InfraGuard  was  formed  in  1996  with  the
             mechanisms,  and  the  effectiveness  of  InfraGuard  in
             enhancing infrastructure resilience against cyber threats.   purpose of establishing a communication interface between
                                                                government bodies and the private sector, allowing them to

                                                                share essential cybersecurity information for preventing and
             KEYWORDS: Critical Infrastructure Protection, InfraGuard,   responding to threats.
             Cybersecurity,  Threat  Detection,  Real-Time  Monitoring,
             Mitigation, Public-Private Partnership, National Security   The features of InfraGuard include:
                                                                Real-Time  Threat  Intelligence  :  Ongoing  monitoring  and
             I.     INTRODUCTION                                sharing of cyber threat information.
             Critical infrastructures, such as power grids, water systems,     Incident Response and Mitigation: Collaborative effort in
             telecommunications,  and  transportation  networks,  are   mitigating potential threats.
             essential to the functioning of society. Although cyberattacks     Training  and  Awareness  Programs:  Educating  the
             have been increasing in frequency and level of sophistication   organizations on cybersecurity best practices.
             against infrastructure, effective and real-time protections are   InfraGuard's  operations  are  supported  by  local  chapters,
             imperative.  In  this  regard,  *InfraGuard*,  a  program   where each chapter will offer specific services and support to
             developed  by  the  FBI,  performs  a  critical  function  in   its members.
             protecting infrastructure by promoting cooperation between   III.
             government agencies and private sector entities.          PROPOSED WORK
                                                                The main objectives of this proposed work are as follows:
             This paper intends to analyze how InfraGuard's real-time   1.  To  assess  the  effectiveness  of  InfraGuard's  real-time
             threat  detection  and  mitigation  strategies  improve  the   threat  detection  capabilities  in  identifying  potential
             protection  of  critical  infrastructure  and  contribute  to   security threats to critical infrastructure.
             national cybersecurity resilience.                 2.  Evaluate   the   effectiveness   of   InfraGuard's
                                                                   countermeasures in responding to threats detected.
             It has been a great concern for the security of nations and
             their economic stability to protect the critical infrastructure.   3.  To  analyze  the  effect  of  InfraGuard  on  the  security
             As the need for interconnected systems and networks grows,   posture of critical infrastructure as a whole.

                                          Fig 2. Components of detection and mitigation

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