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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                                Increasing Financial Security of the

                      Entity Based on Managing its Business Activity

                                             Aziza Tohirovna Ahmedova

                           Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               Summarizing  the  views  of  scientists  on  the  definition  of
        This  article  discusses  the  financial  security  of  industrial   financial  security  of  an  enterprise,  the  study  offers  the
        enterprises based on management of their business activity.   following interpretation.
        Factors  of  formation  of  business  activity  of  modern
                                                               The financial security of an enterprise is a certain financial
        enterprises  have  been  analyzed.  Suggestions  have  been
                                                               condition,  characterized  by  its  ability  and  ability  to
        presented  for  improving  the  financial  security  of
        enterprises and business activity.                     withstand existing and emerging threats of its deterioration.

                                                               Most  scientists  define  economic  security  enterprises  in  a
        KEYWORDS: enterprise, financial and economic security of the   broad aspect, including in it: financial security, intellectual,
        enterprise, business activity of the enterprise
                                                               personnel, technical and technological, political and legal,
                                                               information, environmental, power.
        In the modern economy, crisis phenomena have led to an   The  main  goal  of  managing  the  financial  security  of  an
        increase  in  the  importance  of  issues  of  management  of   enterprise is to ensure its stable and efficient functioning
        financial  security  of  enterprises.  The  dynamism  of  the   now and in the future.
        external and internal environment requires the management   The  main  functional  goals  of  ensuring  the  financial  and
        of  the  enterprise  to  search  for  new  ways  to  improve  the
                                                               economic security of a production enterprise are [6]:
        security of financial activities.
                                                                 ensuring high economic efficiency of work (profitability
        Literature review                                         of all types of enterprises);
        The works of many scientists are devoted to the study of the     ensuring  high  business  activity,  and,  accordingly,
        management  of  the  financial  results  of  the  activities  of   ensuring  financial  stability  and  independence  of  the
        enterprises. Some authors have investigated the issues of the   enterprise.
        influence of a variety of risks on the efficiency of enterprises.   Methodology of the research
        However, the issues of organizational and methodological
                                                               The  purpose  of  our  study  is  to  substantiate  and  develop
        support of the process of increasing the financial security of
                                                               measures to improve the financial security of enterprises
        enterprises  have  not  been  sufficiently  studied.  Many
                                                               based  on  the  management  of  their  business  activity.  To
        managers of enterprises and their departments often find   achieve this goal, the study solved the following tasks:
        themselves unable to justify and develop ways to improve
                                                                 disclosed the essence of financial security of enterprises
        the  security  of  the  financial  activities  of  their  own
                                                                  and the role of business management in ensuring it;
        enterprises.                                             the  analysis  of  risk  factors  for  the  activities  of
        Increasing the level of financial security of an enterprise is a   enterprises was carried out;
        continuous process; it covers many interrelated procedures     an analysis of the business activity of enterprises;
        that have appropriate requirements for their organizational     organizational  measures  to  improve  the  financial
        support and economic justification.                       security of enterprises on the basis of business activity
                                                                  management are proposed.
        One of the factors in the formation of the financial security of
        an enterprise is the level of its business activity.   The object of the research is the enterprise; the subject of the
                                                               research is the process of managing the financial security of
        The content of the concept of financial security of enterprises   enterprises.
        in relation to various branches of activity is presented in the
        works  of  Volodina  I.G.  [1],  Golukhov  V.N.,  Reikhart  D.V.,   Results
        Shilenko  Yu.V.  [2],  Reznik  S.D.  [3],  Sorokina  O.N.  [4],   It  should  be  stated  that  an  analysis  of  the  efficiency  of
        Goncharenko L.P., Shlendera P.E., Badaeva O.N., Tsupko E.V.   modern  manufacturing  enterprises  showed  that,  in  the
        [5] and others.                                        economy as a whole, the profitability of goods, works, and
                                                               services sold in 2017-2020 was had a growth trend. So, in
                                                               2017,  the  profitability  of  goods  was  7%,  and  in  2020  it
                                                               increased to 9.3% (Fig. 1).

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