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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        for learning to read was to emphasize the accuracy of word   1.  active, constructive process;
        perception.  When  asked  to  choose  one  of  the  possible   2.  the thought process before, during, and after reading:
        reasons  why  a  teacher  would  make  children  take  turns   3.  the reader's interaction with the text and the reading
        reading parts of a story sequentially, 47 percent, or almost   context.
        half,  said  that  this  gives  all  children  the  opportunity  to
                                                               In  the  process  of  learning  to  read,  we  often  encounter
        practice word recognition skills.
                                                               various types of them:
        Reading is one of the main skills that a student must acquire     transactional reading theory (Louise Rosenblatt called
        in the process of mastering a foreign language in school. In   these aesthetic and efferent reading positions);
        the foreign language curriculum, reading is considered as     basal  reading  programs  (for  novice  readers,  which
        one of the leading language classes to be developed. It reads:   remain the most popular);
        "Read  without  a  dictionary  texts  containing  familiar     focus on the literacy classes that your child enjoys, so
        grammatical  material  and  no  more  than  4-6  unfamiliar   that reading is a pleasure, not a chore;
        words per 100 words of the text, the meaning of which, as a     acoustic training(Phonics training involves learning the
        rule,  should  be  clear  from  the  context  or  familiar  word-  relationship  between  letters  and  the  sounds  they
        forming elements (in an eight-year school). Students should   represent);
        use  the  dictionary  to  read  light  texts  containing  familiar     writing;
        grammatical  material  and  6-8  unfamiliar  words  per  100     book club (reading, writing, student discussion groups,
        words of text (in a ten-year school)."Therefore, reading is   and class-wide discussions are included in the program).
        one of the practical goals of teaching a foreign language in     Book club, a reading program based on literature );
        schools.                                                 directed reading activity;
                                                                 fluency of speech;
        Reading is of great educational importance, since reading is a     scan;
        means of "communication, people get the information they
        need from books, magazines, magazines, newspapers, etc.   Scanning is a reading method that is used when you want to
        Through reading in a foreign language, the student enriches   quickly find certain information. When you scan, a question
        his  knowledge  about  the  world  around  him.  He  gets   is born in your head, and you read the passage only to find
        acquainted with the countries where the language is spoken.   the answer, ignoring unrelated information [2: 19].
        The content of the texts, their ideological and political spirit   It is known that learning to read can be arranged in various
        influence  the  students.  We  must  develop  in  our  students   ways. The first is reading whole words, and the second is
        such qualities as honesty, loyalty and love for our people and   reading  whole  sentences.  Students  first  read  individual
        the  workers  of  other  countries,  and  the  texts  that  our   words organized according to the reading rules.
        students will read must meet these requirements. Thus, the
                                                               Reading and writing are related to listening and speaking,
        ability  to  read  is  not  only  of  great  practical,  but  also
        educational and social importance.                     which  are  considered  the  two  main  language  skills.  The
                                                               development of these two language skills is called emerging
        Reading  is  not  only  an  end  in  itself,  but  also  a  means  of   literacy. For example, recognition of a printed word. Thus,
        learning a foreign language. When reading a text, the student   reading and writing are important ways of using language to
        considers  sounds  and  letters,  vocabulary  and  grammar,   communicate.
        remembers the spelling of words, the meaning of words and
        phrases, he also considers grammar and, thus, improves his   [1]   Pamela  J.  Farris  (1997).  Process,  product,  and
        command  of  the  language  being  studied.  The  more  the
        student  reads,  the  better  he  remembers  the  language   evaluation. Northern Illinois University.
        material. If a teacher teaches his students to read well, and   [2]   Mattrei  Barsley,  Gulbakhor  Ibragimova,  Yaira
        they can read fluently enough and fully understand, he also   Abduraimova, - Keep in touch //Tashkent -2007).
        helps them to acquire speaking and writing skills.
                                                               [3]   Kayla Boyce, R. N. Reading, Literacy, and your child.
        Note  that  according  to  the  US  methodologists,  "  reading   Reviewed by the faculty and staff of the University of
        comprehension consists of three important parts:            Michigan (2014).

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