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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        thinking, form the image of "I" as a subject of active activity,   The  Professional  Component  Model  consists  of  the
        focus on self-expression and self-expression. Total.   following components:
                                                                 a  set  of  human  qualities,  i.e.  personal  orientation,
        Pedagogical professionalism:                              attitude  to  the  environment,  originality  of  creative
          first of all, the ability to measure the results of one's
                                                                  aspects,  intellectual  and  individual  operator  qualities
            work  and  justify  the  process  that  affects  the
                                                                  (dexterity, dexterity,  business acumen,  willingness to
            achievement of quality indicators in activities;
                                                                  act,  efficiency),  sensitivity,  striving  for  professional
          secondly,  it  is  defined  by  the  metrics  of  creativity  at   results, imagine your place in a team of colleagues;
            different  levels  that  ensure  its  success  in  the  work
            process.                                             practical actions at a professional level (motor skills, i.e.,
                                                                  active movement of an organ, skill, skill, qualifications);
        At the same time, it is important to clearly show the teacher's
        ability to check the quality of practical activity, mainly as a     to  understand  their  activities  at  a  professional  level
        leading sign of professionalism. Of course, the problem of   based  on  their  inner  feelings  (to  receive,  create  and
        forming a professional teacher is explained by the fact that it   process information about the profession, professional
        begins with the ability to analyze the results of one's activity.   understanding,  professional  knowledge,  skills  and
        The teacher first rises from analyzing the effectiveness of   abilities);
        problem  solving  to  understanding  and  analyzing  tactical
                                                                 awareness,  professionalism,  professional  knowledge,
        tasks, and then from understanding and predicting strategic
                                                                  experience  and  culture  at  a  professional  level
        pedagogical tasks. Thus, the teacher constantly restores his
        activity and corrects the form of its results.            (professional orientation in the field of scientific and
                                                                  theoretical knowledge, professional knowledge in the
        All  units  of  measurement  that  determine  the  level  of   field of science);
        pedagogical  professionalism  are  in  harmony  with  the
        following  qualities  of  a  teacher-coach:  inspiration,  dear     human psychodynamics, i.e. the state of cognitive self-
                                                                  awareness in extreme conditions of life (the intensity of
        friend,  intellectual,  coach,  speaker,  organizer,  teacher,
                                                                  experiences, the speed of their transition from one state
        psychologist, sociologist, technologist, etc.
                                                                  to another, workload and difficulties in this professional
        The  following  criteria  of  pedagogical  professionalism  are   sphere);
                                                                 in  the  process  of  performing  professional  tasks,
          subjective (individual spiritual institutions associated   depending  on  the  requirements  of  the  job,  such  as
            with the level of education of a person);             understanding your age and gender.
          objective coverage of important professional qualities   The  results  obtained:  Personality  structure  at  the
            (tolerance, kindness, sensitivity, composure, gentleness,   professional level: personality motivation (orientation and
            compassion, kindness).                             its  types);  personality  traits  (abilities,  character  and  its
                                                               qualities, psychological process and mental states); holistic
        Pedagogical  professionalism  is  defined  as  an  integrated   description  of  the  personality  (self-awareness,  individual
        vocational education, whose professional growth and skills
                                                               style, creativity as creative potential).
        determine all areas of pedagogical activity.
                                                               It should be noted that in professional self-awareness as an
        The  content  of  pedagogical  professionalism  is  a   integrative description of a personality:
        generalization  of  scientific  knowledge,  skills,  abilities,   1.  a person's understanding of professional norms, rules
        directions, spiritual and moral qualities of a person, the main
                                                                  and an expert model as a standard for understanding the
        motives and high results of pedagogical activity, as well as
                                                                  available qualities, that is, based on the scientific and
        the fulfillment of subjective and social roles.
                                                                  theoretical  foundations  of  the  profession  and  the
        Thus,  pedagogical  professionalism  as  a  subject  of   concept of personal activity;
        pedagogical  activity  is  a  characteristic  that  reflects  the
                                                               2.  understanding  of  these  qualities  by  other  people,  i.e.
        quality  of  the  teacher's  personality,  high  professional
                                                                  comparing oneself with some professionally qualified
        competence and readiness to effectively solve pedagogical   specialists;
        problems. Also, the teacher consists of practical structures.
                                                               3.  professional self-knowledge, assessment and fixation of
        The motivational and value structure determines the focus of
                                                                  the expectations of other people;
        pedagogical professionalism on the chosen professional and
        pedagogical  activity,  reflecting  the  spiritual  and  moral   4.  a  person's  self-assessment  of  his  individual
        content.  This  structure  includes  a  set  of  ideas  about  the   characteristics in terms of educational, pedagogical and
        professional and creative activity of a teacher, the definition   spiritual characteristics;
        and achievement of an independent goal, his professionalism
        (professional "I-concept") and the need for creativity.   5.  self-determination  by  a  person  of  positive  qualities,
                                                                  positive  creation  of  the  “I-concept”  in  the  future  and
        The cognitive structure is mainly formed in the process of   positive self-esteem.
        vocational education and is an independent acquisition of
                                                               There  is  an  increase  in  the  effectiveness  of  pedagogical
        knowledge  by  a  teacher  and,  to  a  certain  extent,  the
        development of his knowledge.                          professional activity as a process of personal development.
                                                               Personal  development  contributes  to  a  change  in
        The  practical  structure  of  the  activity  includes  a  set  of   professional activity and a deepening of ideas about it. The
        effective professional skills, ways to achieve high results of   change  in  professional  activity,  its  organization  at  a  new
        pedagogical activity and the presence of perfect algorithms.   qualitative level will lead to the professional growth of the
                                                               teacher in the future.

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