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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Bank  for  Foreign  Economic  Activity  of  the  Republic  of   amount. Repayment of the principal debt is made every 6
        Uzbekistan.  Sub-borrowers  can  be  private,  small  and   months.
        medium  enterprises.  To  obtain  a  loan,  a  project  must   The role of the funds allocated by the Asian Development
        produce a product that can replace exports and imports and
                                                               Bank in the rapid development of our economy, as well as in
        be self-sufficient in foreign currency.
                                                               improving the quality of life of the population in our country
        To  receive a loan  from the  Asian Development Bank, the   is very important. During Uzbekistan's membership in the
        borrower must have at least 25% of the value of the project.   Asian Development Bank, many fruitful projects have been
        The  borrower  must  have  collateral  for  the  building,   implemented.  As  a  result  of  cooperation,  the  economic
        structure,  machinery  and  working  capital  from  the   development  of  our  country  has  further  increased.  As  of
        production process, as well as other funds to cover financial   December  31,  2019,  the  Asian  Development  Bank  has
        costs.  The  collateral  must  be  at  least  120%  of  the  loan   provided a total of $ 8,671.36 million in loans to Uzbekistan.
        amount.                                                These funds were invested in a total of 221 projects. Projects
        The interest rate for the loan is as follows:          on  agriculture,  natural  resources  and  rural  development;
          Asian Development Bank interest rate + margin of the   education;  energy;  financial  health;  industry  and  trade;
            National  Bank  for  Foreign  Economic  Activity  of  the   transport; water and other urban infrastructure and services
                                                               are focused on the development of important sectors and
            Republic of Uzbekistan.
                                                               industries. The most funded sectors are: energy - $ 2,004.91
        The margin of the National Bank is from 0.5% to 3% of the   million for 32 projects, finance - $ 1,935.42 million for 38
        loan amount, depending on the value of subprojects. The   projects, transport - $ 1,777.87 million for 34 projects (Table
        loan management fee is 0.15% per annum (UZS) of the loan   1).
            Table 1 Distribution of funds allocated by the Asian Development Bank to the Republic of Uzbekistan as of
                                            December 31, 2019 (million dollars)
                             Networks                     Projects  Funds provided (million USD) *  Interest rate
           Agriculture, natural resources and rural development  33   784.68                       9.05
           Education                                      23        298.03                         3.44
           Energy                                         32        2004.91                        23.12
           Finance                                        38        1935.42                        22.32
           Healthcare                                     7         88.60                          1.02
           Industry and trade                             4         175.90                         2.03
           Public sector management                       21        632.21                         7.29
           Transport                                      34        1777.87                        20.50
           Water and other urban infrastructure and services   29   973.74                         11.23
           Overall:                                       221       8671.36                        100
           *the numbers may not be accurately summed due to rounding.
               Source: Prepared by the author based on the report of the official website of the Asian Development Bank.
        The Asian Development Bank and the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a loan agreement about lending in the amount of 15,0
        million US dollars for the implementation of the project "Financing the preparation of urban development projects in the
        Republic of Uzbekistan" with a repayment period of 25 years, including a grace period of 5 years on November 13, 2019. The
        total cost of the project was $ 16.76 million, including:
        Debt of the Asian Development Bank - 15.0 million US dollars;
        The share of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the project was 1.76 million US dollars due to tax benefits, including exemption from
        value added tax, contributions to state trust funds, as well as corporate and personal income tax from legal entities and
        individuals who are not residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
        The project implementation period is 4 years (2020 - 2023) (Table 2).
           Table 2 The main indicators of the project "Financing the preparation of urban development projects in the
                                                  Republic of Uzbekistan"
                                                                                 Sources of funding, including:
                        Nameofexpenses          Unitofmeasure      Overall*                Share of the Republic
                                                                               ADB debt
                                                                                              of Uzbekistan
               The total cost of the project   thousand USD eq.    16 760,00   15 000,00         1 760,00
            1.     Consulting services          thousand USD eq.   13 600,00   13 600,00
                   Financial expenses during the
            2.                                  thousand USD eq.    710,00      710,00
                   investment period
            3.     Retained earnings            thousand USD eq.    690,00      690,00
            4.     Tax and customs priviliges   thousand USD eq.   1 760,00                      1 760,00
          * The final cost of the project will be determined after the development of detailed design estimates and the results of
          tenders for the supply of goods (works and services).
                   Source: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 426. 07.07.2020
        The Asian Development Bank has set an estimate for repayment of debt and interest payments from 2020 to November 15,
        2024. The loan amount was $ 15 million, the loan term was 25 years, the grace period was 5 years, and the interest rate was

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