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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

              The Problems of Food Scarcity and Famine in the World,

                     its Impact on Political, Social and Economic Life

                                           Rakhmatova Dilnoza Obidovna

                Masters Student of the Chair of World History at Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               inflation raises the price of these products. Famine in some
        This article discusses the problem of global hunger and its   parts of the country forced people to eat tree leaves. The
        impact on socio-economic life, absolute and latent hunger   number of people who do not eat regularly in Yemen may
        and its consequences, Food and Agriculture Organization of   soon  increase  by  one  and  a  half  times  to  11.5  million.
        the  United  Nations  (FAO),  the  global  hunger  index,  its   According  to  the  UN,  the  escalation  of  famine  is  being
        importance in scientific observation.                  exacerbated by years of drought in Yemen, Somalia, South

                                                               Sudan and Nigeria. [11]
        KEYWORDS:  Nutrition  deficiency,  hunger,  famine,  food
        problem, hidden hunger, the absolute famine, Global Hunger   In the early 1990s, the problem of “hidden hunger” attracted
        Index, malnutrition, economic crisis                   worldwide attention. [2; 55] It occurs when the human body
                                                               is deficient in micronutrients (i.e. vitamins and minerals). It
        I.     INTRODUCTION                                    is estimated that 30% of the world's population suffers from
        Providing food to the population in the modern world is one   this  problem.  This  leads  to  an  increase  in  morbidity  and
        of  the  most  important  programmatic  goals  of  the  whole   mortality,  a  slowdown  in  cognitive  (intellectual)
        world community and each state. In the context of the global   development and a decrease in learning and efficiency, an
        financial and economic crisis, which affects the economies of   increase in morbidity and disability, as a result of an increase
        many  countries,  the  problem  of  food  security  remains   in the productive capacity of the population, as well as a
        particularly  relevant.  The  proportion  of  the  population   catastrophic  loss  of  human  potential.  Overcoming
        suffering  from  hunger  and  chronic  malnutrition  has   micronutrient  deficiencies  is  a  necessary  condition  for
        increased. In the past, food crises and water supply crises   development. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia has
        (prior armed conflict) have occurred several times in some   not changed significantly, but in some countries it has even
        countries  and  regions.  However,  in  recent  decades,  the   increased. In India, short stature, iron and iodine deficiency
        problem of water and food supply to the population and the   lead to a loss of productivity of 2.95 % of GDP per year. Iron
        economy has become global.                             deficiency of female agricultural workers in Sierra-Leone will
                                                               result in a loss of $ 94.5 million over 5 year. [3; 27]
        This article is based on publications of the United Nations   Another factor that causes hidden hunger in the world is the
        World  Food  and  Agriculture  Organization  (FAO),  articles   consumption  of  poor  quality  food.  Consumption  of  poor
        published on this topic in our country and abroad, as well as   quality food can lead to about 200 diseases, including cancer.
        Internet materials.                                    Given  the  global  nature  of  the  problem,  the  Second
                                                               Committee of the UN General Assembly on Economic Affairs
        The food problem has the longest history among the rest.   declared June 7 as World Food Security Day. [10]
        Periodically it occurred at all stages of human development.
        At the same time, the world community’s food production   The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is published annually by the
        capacity is now sufficient to feed the entire population of the   German-based Welthungerhilfe and the Irish NGO Concern
        world. In recent decades, this problem has been completely   Worldwide. The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is designed to
        solved only in the most developed countries. However, the   comprehensively measure and monitor hunger at the global,
        uneven  distribution  of  food  across  countries  and  regions   regional and national levels.GHI scores are calculated each
        means that between 600 million and 700 million people are   year to assess failures and successes in combating hunger.
        currently experiencing global hunger. [17; 33]         [4] This index is determined by summing four indicators for
                                                               each country:
        During  the  20   century,  70-100  million  people  died  of
                                                               the share of malnourished population;
        starvation worldwide, more than half of them in China, and
        30 million people died during the famine of 1958-1961. [8]   the proportion of underweight children under the age of five;
                                                               the proportion of children under the age of five below the
        Famine is a social phenomenon that can become widespread   norm;
        in a country as a result of wars, droughts, natural disasters,
        earthquakes,  various  environmental  disasters,  and  other   mortality rate of children under five years of age. [5]
        natural phenomena. There are two types of starvation: overt   Women  suffer  more  from  malnutrition  and  hunger  in
        (absolute  starvation)  and  latent  (relative  starvation  -   developing and economically backward countries. Because
        malnutrition lack of essential, nutrients in the diet). [13; 610]   social inequality persists in these countries, and in difficult
        The following 7 countries are listed on the website   situations, women give up their food. According to the Food
        Eritrea, Sudan, Zambia, Yemen, the Republic of Sierra Leone,   and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
        the Central African Republic, Chad. Currently, the worst food   nearly half of pregnant women in developing countries suffer
        situation is in Yemen. The country's riyal has become very   from anemia (iron deficiency). This results in approximately
        devalued.  Almost  all  consumer  goods  are  imported,  and   110,000 birth deaths each year. [1; 33]

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