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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        educator, a psychologist performs the following tasks in his   1.  1.On the moral, religious and legal responsibility of the
        activities. The first task of the activity of a social psychologist   child for the harm of alcohol to the human body, the
        is to establish a diagnosis, aimed at preventing the child's   incomplete formation of the child, the bad consequences
        addiction to alcohol. This task is carried out by collecting   of the consumption of alcohol by children, the teaching
        information about the child who has a tendency to consume   of minors to drink alcohol.
        alcohol, studying its real personal characteristics, collecting
                                                               2.  2.Acquaintance  with  the  peculiarities  of  the  junior
        information  about  the  family  of  the  child,  studying  the
        sources  that  negatively  affect  the  child,  identifying  the   school   age   (anatomic,   morphological,
                                                                  psychophysiological).  To  describe  the  first  stage  of
        leaders of alcohol addiction, studying the negative sides that
                                                                  education in the school as the most crisis stage in the life
        motivates the child to alcohol, studying the effects of micro
        place  on  the  child.  Its  essence  is  that  on  the  basis  of  the   of the child, the difficulty of adapting to the initial stage,
                                                                  the beginning of active socialization of the young person,
        diagnosis  made,  a  clear  social  pedagogical-psychological
                                                                  information on the social and psychological conditions
        program of working with a child who has a tendency to drink
                                                                  of the educational environment.
        is developed.
                                                               3.  Achieving  normative  behavior  of  parents  for  the
        This program is carried out step by step, bringing out social
                                                                  formation of a healthy lifestyle in children from a small
        adoration,   correction   or   rehabilitation.   Through
                                                                  school  age.  This  is  a  review  of  the  family's  drinking
        rehabilitation, he laid the foundation for the adaptation of
                                                                  traditions, taking into account The Imitation behavior
        the child to a healthy lifestyle. With him begins to carry out
        prophylactic work. Instead, most of all, education stands at   inherent in the small school age, paying attention to the
                                                                  achievements of the child in the school, helping children
        the core of the first. It implies the formation in the child the
                                                                  to spend their free time, making him out of unpleasant
        qualities that must be formed during his social pedagogical
        rehabilitation, the pedagogical influence on the behavior and   family-household conflicts. It is also necessary that the
                                                                  psychologist, in cooperation with the parents, develop a
        activities of children and adults, the filling of  gaps in  the
                                                                  plan  for  the  conduct  of  leisure  and  holidays  without
        upbringing of the child, the formation of the skills and skills
        necessary to overcome the problem of drunkenness. Another   alcohol.  The  main  methods  of  activity  are  family
                                                                  prophylactics,  which  are  conducted  in  the  form  of
        task of the psychologist is legal protection. Its essence is to
                                                                  conversation,  advice,  training.  The  social  educator
        protect  it  even  from  the  legal  point  of  view  through  the
                                                                  should give a moral description of the actions of parents.
        activities  of  psychology.  One  of  its  subsequent  tasks,  a
        predisposition to drunkenness, requires the participation of   Family prophylactics should not be based on laziness,
                                                                  threats.  It  should  be  aimed  at  correcting  the  child's
        various specialists in psychological activities with the child,
                                                                  relations  with  peers,  attracting  them  to  positive
        creates  conditions  for  meaningful  leisure  time,  organizes
                                                                  activities,  restoring  their  status  in  the  family.  The
        socially useful activities for children, adults. In the process of
        carrying out socio-pedagogical activity in this, relations are   adolescence period (11 -14 years) is psychologically a
                                                                  crisis and the most turbulent period. This period is one
        established  between  many  of  its  participants.  As  for  the
                                                                  of  the  most  difficult  periods  of  human  activity.  This
        prophylactic,  expressing  confidence  in  him,  promotion
        strengthens the achieved positive results and eliminates the   process  ends  with  the  onset  of  sexual  maturity.  In
                                                                  contrast to the small school age when the child adheres
        appearance  of  signs  of  alcoholism.  In  social  pedagogical
                                                                  to the instructions of adults, which are authoritative for
        activity, the focus of children's lives against alcohol abuse is
                                                                  him, the teenager tries to adhere to the principles of his
        carried  out  depending  on  the  age  characteristics  of  their
        educators.                                                behavior,  his  own  views,  the  need  for  independence
                                                                  arises,  adult  exhortations  are  criticized,  a  negative
        Preschool and junior school age. Parents show the decisive   attitude towards them is formed.
        effect in the formation of habits in a child from one year to
                                                               Exactly in adolescence, the first stage of alcohol addiction can
        seven years. Therefore, at this age it is important for a social
        educator  to  work  with  the  family,  which  is  based  on  the   begin.  Because  it  manifests  itself  in  the  conditions  of
                                                               adolescent  groups,  and  therefore  has  a  description  of  “
        following principles:
                                                               collective drunkenness”. A child at this age tries to grow up
        1.  1.Formation  of  a  culture  of  relations  between  family   or  look  like  an  adult.  This  can  be  manifested  both  in  a
            members.  Only  in  conditions  of  harmonious  family   positive and negative sense. The tendency to puberty, if not
            relations  can  moral  anti-alcohol  habits  arise.  For  the   based on moral and social values, is manifested in the social
            appearance of these habits in children of preschool age,   negative  sense:  smoking  ,  alcohol  consumption,  sexual
            it is necessary to formulate optimal behavior in parents.    irresponsibility, delinquency. In adolescence, adults from the
                                                               age of 11 years are not able to influence the child as before.
        2.  Formation of a healthy environment of vital activity of
                                                               For the child, communication with peers begins to be of great
            the child. Social pedagogical activity should be aimed at
                                                               importance. The lower the social status of a teenager, the less
            the formation of healthy social-psychological pathways
                                                               its influence on the group. Therefore, boys of this age-girls
            in parents, the promotion of the idea of the personal   should be treated  psychologically without interpretation-
            responsibility of parents for the consumption of alcohol
            by children. The fight against drunkenness with parents
            should be carried out according to the age of the child.   Our  children  our  future  as  parents,  educators  to  their
            However,  the  result  of  this  activity  is  necessary  to   upbringing we all agree. Parents should be able to properly
            include  parents  in  the  education  of  children  against   educate our children with all our strength and enthusiasm in
            constipation.                                      bringing them to an adult level by adopting them from alien
                                                               ideas and serving for the prosperity of our motherland.
        Knowledge  of  parenting  education  against  alcohol  abuse
        promotion them includes the following issues:
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