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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                            Devaint Behavior Consequences and its

                            Psychological- Pedagogical Importance

                                                Mardiyeva Shakhnoza

                                    The Teacher of the Chair Pedagogy and Psychology,
                           Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               institutions  include  Family,  School,  neighborhood,  law
        This article argues that deviant behavior is a human activity   enforcement,  etc.  It  is  the  core  of  the  family  within  the
        or behavior that does not conform to the established norms   institutions. The more important the upbringing in the family
        of society, is a social phenomenon, and that endangering   plays, the more sharply the number of people with deviated
        human life can lead to bad consequences. To protect our   behavior  in  society  decreases  if  the  children  are  out  of
        children  from  such  deviant  behavior  is  to  give  them  a   control.  The  upbringing  of  children  is  full  of  how  perfect
        psychologically and pedagogically correct upbringing.   synonymy, humanly treated relationships are summarized in

                                                               this  word.  This  is  perceived  by  every  parent  from  a
        KEYWORDS:  behavior,  alcohol,  morals,  drugs,  personality,   pedagogical and psychological point of view, this issue is
        society,  deviation,  lying,  laziness,  theft,  alcoholism,  suicide,   becoming  an  incredibly  relevant  and  extremely  sensitive
        child,  upbringing,  will,  perception,  ability,  qualification,   topic.
        rehabilitation, psychologist, pedagogue.
                                                               In  the  perfection  of  perfect  children,  parenting,  teacher
               “…Happiness is not determined only by wealth and   education, family environment and community environment
                                                possessions.   directly  affect  the  upbringing  of  children  psychologically.
                                                               Already now the so-called” mass culture " is an inhuman
              A polite, knowledgeable and intelligent hard-working
                                                               concept, the principle worldviews are showing their impact
                   child is the greatest wealth not only of parents,   on the minds of young people in psychological terms by the
                                                               minute. Protection of the minds of our youth from unwanted
                                     but of the whole society.”   teachings,  as  well  as  enrichment  of  the  gap  in  the
                                The first President I.A.Karimov   consciousness of the connection with proper education and
                                                               education is an important and responsible task of parents
                         “High spirituality is an invincible force”   and educators. The misfortune of people –in his immorality.

        Socialization of a person is an artificial character profession,   The moral and moral factor of Deviant behavior is expressed
        which as a person can form only between other people. If he   in the low level of moral and moral character in the family
        is still in human relations, he cannot get rid of evil or animal   and the surrounding environment of the child, in his lack of
        nature in himself. A person will need a lot to grow to full   spirituality, in the oven on the utensils and in the alienation
        maturity  and  become  a  mature  personality.  Man  reaches   of the individual. The role of a healthy family environment in
        maturity only when he is formed in society. Deviant behavior   the  upbringing  of  children  and  the  formation  of  a
        is  considered  to  be  the  concept  of  deviations  in  the   harmonious generation is great. The child lives in a family
        upbringing of people.                                  environment  from  the  date  of  birth.  Family-specific
        The  concept  of  Deviant  behavior  (deviant  behavior).  The   traditions,  values,  traditions  form  a  child's  moth.  Most
        study  of  the  problem  of  Deviant  behavior  is  one  of  the   importantly, children perceive, feel the demands of society
        indirect problems in the family of society. Psychologically   through the school of family life.
        analyzing  it,  it  turns  out  that  working  with  such  people   Prevention of deviation from the norm and preservation of
        requires a great effort for a while to start them on the right   children  are  the  most  important  tasks  of  parents.  The
        path of life, to get them out of this path. To Deviant types of   reasons for deviation from the norm in children are the bad
        behavior, we can include the following: violation of the law,   habits of parents, the situation in the family plays a decisive
        self-murder, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. It is natural that   role. Due to the characteristics of children in classrooms in
        these cases occur even between representatives of the two   schools,  parents  should  remember  that  it  is  necessary  to
        sexes. The problem facing society and the state is that the   adhere to hygienic standards in school and in the family. If no
        number of deviated individuals is reduced and eliminated.   one in the family is interested in the school life of the child or
                                                               is interested in the name, then his interest in the school is
        Deviant behavior is a human activity or behavior, a social
        phenomenon  that  does  not  comply  with  the  norms  of   neutralized, then a negative attitude towards education is
        morality established in society, and many other similar cases   formed. In children, the deviation from the norm develops
        of deception, laziness, theft, drunkenness, drug addiction,   gradually.
        suicide  and  many  others  are  the  characteristics  of  this   The main reasons for this period are unacceptable cases in
        behavior. Such behavior is considered to be psychologically   the family. In such families, the psychology and pedagogy of
        incapable people who do not want to understand how much   maturing children has a direct and indirect impact. One of
        harm  they  cause  to  society.  Institutions  that  control  the   the  types  of  Deviant  behavior  can  be  attributed  to
        existence of members of society in accordance with these   drunkenness.  With  children  of  this  category,  a  social
        social  norms  are  called  social  control  institutions.  These

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