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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Malnutrition  and  rising  food  prices  are  other  factors   [3]   Ekonomichesky  rost,  golod  i  nedoedanie.  Rost
        contributing to hunger. It is estimated that children suffer   doxodov i izmeneniya v potreblenii prodovolstviya. //
        more  from  high  prices.  According  to  Save  the  Children,   Polojenie    del    v    svyazi    s    otsutstviem
        millions of parents in developing countries have been forced   prodovolstvennoy  bezopasnosti  v  mire   2012. –
        to feed their children less as food prices have risen to record   P.16-30.                             //
        highs  over  the  past  year.  The  organization  conducted  a
        survey of families in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Peru and   df
        Nigeria. One in six respondents said that their children were   [4]   For  further  background  on  the  GHI  concept,  see
        dropping  out  of  school  and  helping  them  earn  a  living.
        According to the charity, the world's five least malnourished   Wiesmann  (2006)  and  Wiesmann  et  al.  (2015).//
        children live in the five countries surveyed. [14]
        As a continuation of the above factors, another indicator of   g_of_countries_and_trends
        hunger is underweight among children under five years of   [5]   Global  ochlik  indeksida  O‘zbekiston  30  o‘rinni
        age. In developing regions, this figure continues to decline on   egalladi.                            //
        average:  33%  in  1990  and  26%  in  2006.  In  South  Asian
        countries,  it  is  46  percent.  By  2006,  the  number  of  such
        children had exceeded 140 million. [12; 25] In 2016, every   [6]   Globalniy golod prodoljaet rasti, govoritsya v novom
        fourth child in the world was lagging behind in development   doklade   OON.   Sovmestniy   press-reliz   //
        -  that’s  155  million  children.  In  Africa,  South  Asia  and
        Oceania (excluding Australia and New Zealand), one in three   global-hunger-continues-to-rise---new-un-report-says
        children lags behind in development. [9] According to a UN   [7]
        report entitled “Global Food Security and Nutrition Status
        2018”, about 151 million children under the age of five were   [8]
        underweight  in  2017  due  to  malnutrition,  reaching  165   [9]
        million in 2012. Globally, Africa and Asia accounted for 39
        and 55 percent of all short stature children, respectively. [6]   [10]   I.Ochilov,  D.Kuvandikov,  Z.Sadriddinov.  Jahon
                                                                    iqtisodiyotida oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari xavfsizligi. //
        Malnutrition  in  childhood  is  the  leading  cause  of
        approximately 35% of deaths in children under five years of
        age. [3; 27]                                                iqtisodiyotida-oziq-ovqat-mahsulotlari-xavfsizligi-
        Malnutrition  and  poor  nutrition,  which  are  inextricably   [11]   Insoniyat   uchun   yangi   xavf.   //
        linked to hunger, are also serious global threats to human
        life.  According  to  a  study  by  German  scientists,  the  CIS
        countries are in the top ten in the ranking of deaths due to   [12]   Ivanova  S.  V.  Globalnaya  problema  goloda  i
        malnutrition in the period from 1990 to 2016. In second and   sovremennoe  sostoyanie  selskogo  xozyaystva
        third place are Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan.                razvivayushixsya  stran  //  Nikonovskie  chteniya.
                                                                    2009.      №14.       –       P.25-26.     //
        Followed  by  Ukraine,  Moldova,  Azerbaijan,  Belarus,
        Tajikistan and Kazakhstan.                        
        Russia finished in the top ten with 291 deaths per 100,000   selskogo-hozyaystva-razvivayuschihsya-stran
        people. The most nutritious foods are found in Spain, Israel   [13]
        and France. In these countries, 43-46 out of every 100,000   O‘zME.  The  sixth  volume.  T  .:  State  Scientific
                                                                    Publishing House «O‘zbekiston milliy ensiklopediyasi
        people die from malnutrition. [10]
                                                                    » –2003. –P.610
        III.   CONCLUSION                                     [14]
        In  the  modern  process  of  human  development,  the  food   Oziq-ovqat narxlari o‘sishidan bolalar ko‘proq azob
        problem will change, unskilled and excessive use of natural   chekkan.                                 //
        resources,  increasing  demand  for  livestock  products,  the
        allocation of food per capita and other factors, the constant   5_cy_children_food
        rise in food prices observed. Which threatens food security,   [15]   Qaysi davlatlarda ochlik hukm surmoqda? // https: //
        especially  for  the  poor  in  developed  and  developing / news / 2019 / 04 / 09 /qaysi-davlatlarda-
        countries. However, it should be noted once again that in the   ochlik-hukm-surmoqda
        future,  food  prices  will  rise  only  in  relation  to  non-food   [16]
        products,  so  in  terms  of  efforts  to  solve  the  global  food   Yamanda  dahshatli  ochlik  hukm  surmoqda//
        problem,  it  is  economically  feasible  to  curb  price  growth   surmoqda
                                                              [17]   Zakhirova G. M. Globallashuv va milliy iqtisodiyotni
         [1]   Borba  s  golodom.  Nashivka.  2013.  –  119-P.    //   modernizatsiyalash  masalalari.  Iqtisod  va  moliya  /
                                                                    Ekonomika i finansi 2015, №5. –P.33.
         [2]   Eileen Kennedy. Borba so skritim golodom. Byulleten
              MAGATE, 45/1. 2003. – P.54-60.

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