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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Youth Media Culture Problems and Solutions
Maftuna Yakubjanova
Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Kokand, Uzbekistan
ABSTRACT nation, and when morality disappears, so does a nation”. Our
This article discusses the role of intellectual youth in nation has a long history. During these periods, many
society, the relevance of media culture, the problems and thinkers, scientists, scholars, religious leaders have emerged.
solutions in the field. They have been recognized by scientists and thinkers around
the world and have made a worthy contribution to world
KEYWORDS: Intelligence, youth, media culture, internet, civilization. One of the biggest problems we face today is the
communication, information technology lack of intellectual potential and thinking of young people,
which has a negative impact on their use of the Internet. In
The coronavirus pandemic has changed people's lives in
this regard, without being spectators we need to arouse their
many areas. It is no secret that even the conservative interest in science, enlightenment and make effective use of
education system has been forced to adapt quickly to new the Internet. We can point to foreign media education as a
conditions and to follow different procedures. factor.
According to, international organizations,
The Chinese National Internet Domain has promised a
including UNESCO, the Organization for Economic reward for anyone, who identifies immoral photos without
Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the World Bank any hesitation. In the United States, funds have been
are investigating the pandemic's readiness of secondary,
allocated to provide content filters to protect schools from
special secondary and higher education for force majeure, such sites. The Australian Ministry of Education has funded a
they say. This is due to the fact that all educational € 1.3 million dollar for baning immoral sites among all
institutions around the world have changed to a new format schools and universities. In Israel, a special ultrasound
and have to use the experience of distance learning on a device has been developed. It can be used to determine the
mass scale. That, in turn, has caused a number of problems. age of a user. If he is young, he will not be automatically
Firstly, there is a lack of digital literacy among teachers and included in obscene sites. In the United Arab Emirates, access
students to use Internet technologies, secondly, low internet to the global network is provided through the only Internet
speeds, thirdly, low internet access in some countries or provider in the country - Etisalat. In Saudi Arabia, a complex
almost non-existent for the majority of the population, and method called "Internet national" has been developed, which
fourth, most lack of technical means (computers, laptops, filters the addresses of users and messages sent. The
gadgets) for distance reading in majority of students. Clearly,
implication is that we, as adults, need to protect and guide
this situation has had a negative impact on the quality of future generations who are going through their childhood
education. Technical failures and other factors led to and entering a new life.[1]
disruptions in the learning process. In addition, many
secondary, tertiary, and higher education institutions offer The inscription on the tomb of one of the pharaohs who lived
online classes. We have seen in online classes that many 3,500 years ago: The fact that "Our young people are
young people lack media culture. This method requires the stubborn and stubborn, they do not pay attention to what the
timely development of recommendations without delay for old say, they deny the values of their ancestors" confirms
scientists to study and analyze these situations, to anticipate that the education of young people has been one of the key
their negative aspects and problems, as well as their positive issues at all stages of human development. Another example
aspects in human activities, as well as their complications is the great philosopher of antiquity, Socrates, who once said,
over time. "Where are these young people going?"
Republican Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Public Ibrat, the son of Ishakhon Junaydullakhankhoja, one of the
Education, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special most serious representatives of his time, wrote in his articles
Education, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Youth Union, about the extravagance of weddings, extravagance, and the
Ministries and agencies dealing with spirituality and fact that young people are more interested in running than in
enlightenment, national ideology Coordinated necessary to education expresses his views. It shows that the power to
carry work on the introduction of media culture skills among protect people from all kinds of evils is knowledge. He
young people, with a deep sense of the importance of today's writes: “A man without knowledge is a wall without a
media culture, the experience of conducting systematic and foundation. An unfounded wall is very insignificant. Learn
effective activities in this regard on a regular and ongoing science - the morality of teaching is fun, the science of the
basis. times is necessary”. [2] With these thoughts, Ibrat
encourages modern youth to be fully aware of the secular
With the above considerations in mind, the media education
knowledge of their time.
of the younger generation has identified the need to set a
number of tasks to enhance media culture and implement The Jadids focused on the moral and spiritual upbringing of
them in a systematic manner. Because the future of our the people and called on them to avoid various foreign
country depends on the morals of young people. As the poet cultures and morals. A. Cholpon's thoughts in this area are
Ahmad Shawqi said, “The morality of nations becomes a very instructive: “… O relatives! Our great request is that we
should not imitate and imitate European fashion, glass, and
ID: IJTSRD40079 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 124