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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        immorality, but imitate the cultures of science, science, craft,     Educational  work,  analysis  of  debates,  debates,
        and industry. Europe's fashion and immorality make you    problems  and  contradictions,  pedagogical  and
        homeless,  homeless,  and  captive.  Avoid  it  !!!  European   psychological prevention;
        cultures, such as schools, madrassas, science, industry, and
                                                                 Organization  of  educational  work  at  all  stages  of  the
        professions, make you prosperous, administrative, scholarly,
                                                                  system of continuing education to ensure the effective
        and free you from the bondage of ignorance. Brethren, open
                                                                  movement  of  minors  to  the  media  environment,  the
        your eyes and think!” [3] The issue of upbringing has been
        relevant in every age. It has not lost its relevance today.   acquisition of skills and competencies;
                                                                 Dissemination of foreign and domestic experience in the
        In conclusion, we can say that in recent years, the scale of
                                                                  effective organization of media education;
        priorities of state youth policy in our country is growing.
        Especially  important  are  the  principles  of  education  of     Creating the necessary pedagogical conditions for the
        intellectual youth, initiative, scientific potential, increasing   organization  of  media  education  in  educational
        their creativity and social activity. The work that needs to be   institutions.
        done  to  educate  young  people  in  the  spirit  of  peace,
        tolerance, humane, interethnic dialogue and increase their   REFERENCES
        social activism in society will never lose its relevance.[4]   К.Х.Умаров.  Интеллектуал  ёшлар  ва  медиа
                                                                    маданият: муаммо ва ечимлар. // “Oriental Art and
        Emphasizing  that  the  most  important  task  is  to  work
                                                                    Culture” Scientific-Methodical Journal – (2) I/2020.
        effectively  for  the  bright  future  of  young  people,  the
        education   of   intellectual   youth,   the   following    190-194.
        recommendations and comments can be made on the full   [2]   Письмо   из   Тюря-Кургана   //   Туркистон
        implementation of the need for qualified young people:      вилоятининг газети. 1914, 2 март
          Encourage young people to learn relevant, important,   [3]   Абдулҳамид  Чўлпон.  Ватанимиз  Туркистонда
            necessary and useful information for the formation of   темир йўллар // Садойи Фарғона. 1914, 6 июнь
            media culture among them;
                                                               [4]   M.I.Yakubjonova.  Criteria  of  monitoring  and
          Increase  media  literacy  of  parents  and  establish   evaluation  for  educational  activities.  //Scientific
            cooperation with families and educational institutions;   Bulletin of Namangan  State University-6.2019.346-

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