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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Conclusion                                                  Методолого-прикладные                 основы
        Thus,  pedagogical  professionalism  presupposes  an        акмеологических исследований. - М.: 2000.
        integrative psychological phenomenon that characterizes its   [2]
        essence. By participating in the educational and professional   Маркова  А.К.  Профессиональное  саморазвитие
                                                                    педагога. – К.: Высшая школа, 2004.
        process, and then in the professional activity of a teacher,
        primarily as a future specialist, he not only creates exactly   [3]   Маркова А.К. Психология профессионализма.- М.,
        the  same  ideas  about  his  profession  and  personal     1996.
        capabilities,  but  also  actively  develops  them.  He  also   [4]
        develops as a person, forming an attitude towards himself as   Сергеева   Н.И.   Профессионально-личностное
                                                                    саморазвитие как цель профессионального роста
        a subject of professional activity and as an active participant
        in it.                                                      педагога  //  Современные  проблемы  науки  и
                                                                    образования. - 2015. - № 2-1.
        References:                                            [5]
         [1]   Деркач  А.  А.  Акмеология:  личностное  и           Сластенин  В.А.  Профессионализм  педагога:
                                                                    акмеологический  контекст  //  Педагогическое
              профессиональное      разви-тие     человека.
                                                                    образование и наука, 2002. - №4.-С.4-9.

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