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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        The importance of developing the field of intellectual property lies in the fact that it consists mainly intangible assets, and in
        achieving its high value, the main place is occupied by intellectual and technological products. With the growth of production
        using intellectual resources, their value does not devalue, but, on the contrary, increases.
        Based on the above, one of the important tasks facing us is to establish a system of training appraisers with specialists of the
        World  Intellectual  Property  Organization.  International  experience  shows  that  large  countries  have  established  large
        institutions in this area, and created evaluation standards. Using special criteria, you can determine the cost of any goods and
        CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS                             tadbirlari"      yig‘ilishidagi      ma'ruzasi
        In the modern technological progress, intellectual property is
        becoming increasingly important in the development of the   property/
        economy of each country, determining the competitiveness   [2]   Akramxodjayeva  Z.S.Intellektual  mulk  huquqini
        of the state in the world economy.
                                                                    fuqarolik-huquqiy himoya qilishni takomillashtirish
        For the development of intellectual property in Uzbekistan, it   muammolari: Avtoref. diss. yurid. fan. nomz.-T.:TDYU,
        is  advisable  to  adhere  to  the  following  practical    2008.– S. 5.
        recommendations:                                       [3]   Toshev  B.N.  Xalqaro  tashkilotlarning  mualliflik
          development of the national strategy of the Republic of
            Uzbekistan  in  the  field  of  intellectual  property   huquqiga  oid  aktlarning  huquqiy  maqomi:  Avtoref.
                                                                    diss. yurid. fan. nomz.-T.:TDYU, 2008.– S. 9.
          introduction  of  scientific  achievements  in  each   [4]   Karpova  N.N.  Vstuplenie  Rossii  v  VTO  i  zashita
            department and industry to strengthen the protection of   intellektualnoy   sobsvennosti   –   "Rossiyskoe
            intellectual property;                                  predprinimatelstvo" 2012. – S. 17-25
          commercialization   of   scientific   developments,   [5]   The  largest  brand  value  database  in  the  world  (e-
            popularization of national brands;
          establishing  close  cooperation  with  the  World       resource)
            Intellectual Property Organization.                [6]
         [1]   O‘zbekiston Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoyevning 2020   takomillashadi
              yil  12-oktabrdagi  "Intellektual  mulk  obyektlarini   [7]
              muhofaza  qilish  tizimini  takomillashtirish  chora-  profile/profile.jsp?code=UZ

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