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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Demand  Characteristics  cues  that  may  inform  the   Theory
        participants what the study is about, or what responses are   A substantiated (evidence based) explanation for the way
        expected from them                                     something is as it is. The body of rules, ideas, principles, and
                                                               techniques that applies to a particular subject.
        External Validity high ex.vali. can be generalized beyond the
        specific sample or situation used                      Transcript
                                                               The typed record of an interview obtained from audio or
        Factorial Design more than one independent variable is used
                                                               video recordings.
        Interaction in factorial designs, occurs when the effect of one   Sample
        independent variable on the dependent variable is different
                                                               A group of individuals selected by a researcher because they
        Quasi  experiment  two  or  more  pre-existing  groups  of   possess  particular  attributes  of  interest  to  the  research
        individuals  are  compared  on  some  dependent  variable   project.  A  representative  sample  is  one  which  is
        (individuals are not randomly assigned to conditions)   representative of a larger group. If the sample is selected
                                                               carefully, the resulting data can be applied to the group as a
        Research methods and approaches
        A.  Research terminology:
        Data                                                   Observation
        Information  gathered  during  the  research  process.  ‘Raw’   Observation is the systematic noting and recording of events,
        data is information which has not yet been analyzed.    behaviours and objects in the social setting chosen for the
                                                               study. The observational record is referred to as field notes,
        Empirical Research                                     which are detailed, nonjudgmental, concrete descriptions of
        Research  based  on  first-hand  gathering  of  data  through   what is being observed. A participant observer is someone
        interviews,  questionnaires,  ethnographies,  participant
                                                               who  is  a  part  of  the  activity  as  well  as  making  the
        observation, action research and so on.
        Ethnography                                            In  conclusion  methodological  terms  and  approaches  are
        The  direct  observation,  description  and  analysis  of  the
                                                               implemented respectively, in scientific spheres. The terms
        activities and behaviour of members of a social group, for   are divided into subgroups according to directions, as well as
        instance a youth gang.
                                                               huge number of users. The activeness and passiveness of
        Informant                                              these  terms  based  on  the  consuming  them  into  practice.
        Someone that participates in a research project, generally   These are the main data about methodological terms which
        through interview. Also referred to as a research participant   mentioned  above.  The  research  investigation  shows  the
        or interviewee.                                        signed outcomes with the help of analysis.
        Methods                                                Reference:
        The tools used to gather research data, for instance a phone   [1]   Abdullaeva  Ch.  B.  Comparative  analysis  of  the
        questionnaire, face-to-face interview, gathering census data.   etymology   and   meaning   of   the   words
        Different  methods  are  used  in  quantitative  research  and   ИСКУССТВО/ART/САНЪАТ in Russian, English and
        qualitative research.                                       Uzbek  languages  (Republic  of  Uzbekistan)  View
        Quantitative Research
        Research  discovering  facts  about  social  experiences  and   [2]   B. Tukhliyev, M. Shamsiyeva, T. Ziyodova “Methods of
        trends where data is collected through measuring things and   teaching  Uzbek  language”  Literary  Foundation
        is analyzed through numerical comparisons and statistical   Publishing House Tashkent – 2016.192p
        inferences. Data is represented numerically as a percentage,   [3]   X. B. Qodirova “Terms and explanation” (National Fine
        a mean, and average etc. Commonly, data appears as a table,   and   Applied   Arts   Uzbek-Russian-English
        a  graph,  or  a  pie  or  line  chart.  As  data  is  presented  as
                                                                    interpretation  of  terms  matter)  Monography,
        representative, the sample, that is the source of the data, is
                                                                    Tashkent – 2019, 81p
        extremely important.
                                                               [4]   file:///C:/Users/Acer/Downloads/monografiya3.pdf
        Qualitative Research
        Research  that  is  not  presented  as  representative  but  as   [5]
        offering people’s reflections or perspectives on an issue or   printsec=frontcover&dq=terms+of+methodology&hl=
        experience. It is traditionally conducted via interviews or   ru&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjc0tD7__rvAhXqlYsKHSnhD0
        observation.  Data  is  analyzed  by  themes  drawn  from   EQ6AEwAXoECAQQAg#v=onepage&q=terms%20of%
        informants’ descriptions. Also referred to as ‘interpretive’   20methodology&f=false
        and ‘grounded’, qualitative research is more interested in   [6]
        questions of how and why than in how many.

        ID: IJTSRD40068 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research                      Page 97
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