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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
belonging to those of the male or female sex. Here are some English nouns denoting sex cause more interferences when
traditional associations: English is spoken by Uzbeks, than by Russians. Uzbek
1. The things and notions expressed by the noun sun and students usually make mistakes when replacing them with
by the nouns expressing such ideas as strength, the pronouns he or she. It. is difficult for Uzbeks and
fierceness(anger, death, fear, war, etc) are associated Russians to express sex in English when the means of
with the male sex: expressing it differ.
It is pleasant to watch the sun in his chariot of gold, and the RENDERING OF THE ENGLISH NOUNS DENOTING SEX IN
moon in her chariot of pearl. (Wilde) UZBEK
... it seamed as if death were raging round this floating prison English Uzbek
seeking for his prey. (Irving.) 1.
N denoting male sex N denoting male sex
2. The things and notions expressed by the nouns moon
father ота
and earth, by the names of vessels (ship, boat, steamer,
son ўғил
etc), vehicles (car, carriage, coach, etc), countries and by
uncle тоға
the nouns expressing such ideas as gentleness, beauty
(kindness, spring, peace, dawn, etc) are associated with cock ҳўроз
bull ҳўкиз
the female sex:
The Moon was behind the clouds but an hour later we saw her 2.
in full. N denoting male sex N which does not denote sex
boy бола
She is a good car.
nephew жиян
She was a good boat. buck кийик, қуён, антилопа
lion шер
France sent her representative to the conference.
It is necessary to distinguish sex and gender in Russian. Sex N denoting male sex эркак N
is a logical semantic category which reflects biological buck эркак кийик, қуён, антилопа
characteristic (sex) of living beings. This category is formed lion эркак шер
by the nouns denoting male and female sex.
Summing up the problem of gender in Modern English, it is
Gender is a formal grammatical category which is
important to say that:
represented by a system of three-member opposition:
1. gender is the grammatical distinction between;
masculine, feminine and neuter:
masculine, feminine and neuter;
Masculine gender Feminine gender Neuter gender 2. the lexical - grammatical category of gender existed only
Стол парта окно in the OE period but in ME (middle English) this
Зал станция поле category has been lost;
Певец мать перо 3. in Modern English we find only lexical-semantic
Танкист женщина пальто meanings of gender, that is, the gender distinction is
Цветок кобра озеро based on the semantic principle;
Сарай метель собрание 4. English has certain lexical and syntactic means to
express a real biological sex.
The formal grammatical category of gender of inanimate
nouns does not reflect biological characteristic (sex) of References:
things. For example, the noun стол does not denote sex, but [1] MarlisHellinger, HadumondBussmann. Gender Across
it is a noun of masculine gender. Languages: The linguisticre presentation of women
and men. Volume 2. JohnBenjamins Publishing, 2002 –
In the nouns denoting male and female living beings sex and
gender coincide:
сын (male sex, masculine gender) [2] Тимпко Л. А. Категория рода в современном
дочь (female sex, feminine gender) английском языке, Автореферат дисс. к.ф.н., М.,
конь (male sex, masculine gender) 1970-25.
курица (female sex, feminine gender) [3] Corbett, Greville G. (1991). Gender. Cambridge
The grammatical significance of Russian nouns denoting sex University Press. 363
is observed when replacing them with the pronouns он and [4] БурановДж. Б., ЮсуповУ. К., ИрискуловМ. Т.,
она find choosing forms for adjectives, pronouns, verbs and
Садыков А. С. Грамматические структуры
английского, узбекского и русского языков.
У меня есть друг. Он спортсмен. Ташкент : Укитувчи, 1986.
У меня есть подруга. Она учительница.
Хорошиймальчик. Хорошаядевочка. [5] Эргашева Г.И. Инглиз ва ўзбек тиллари
Этотмальчик. Этадевушка. фразеологизм ва паремияларида гендер
Мальчикпришел. Девушкапришла. аспектининг қиёсий-типологик тадқиқи: Автореф.
Вижумальчика. Вижудевушку. Дисс. канд. Филол. Наук. – Тошкент, 2011. – 25 б.
ID: IJTSRD40067 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 95