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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

           Gender Problems of Uzbekistan in the Globalization Context

                                        Alimukhamedova Nodira Yadgarovna
                                   Senior Teacher of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and
                                Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               and  double  standards  system.  In  particular,  the  gender
        This article recognizes the need and significance of gender   equality  issues  in  Uzbekistan  are  included  in  the  global
        equality  in  the  process  of  ongoing  democratic  reforms.   development in the new millennium.
        Under the globalization influence, current issues such as
                                                               Women with men equality is guaranteed by the Constitutions
        gender  problems,  rising  poverty  and  unemployment,
        discrimination  against  women  in  the  labor  market  and   of  many  democracies.  It  is  based  on  many  international
                                                               documents, agreements, conventions, declarations related to
        marginalization, the increase in violence against women,
                                                               human  rights.  These  documents  set  out  nearly  70
        and the international cooperation role in addressing these
        challenges have been analyzed to become more acute.    international standards that constitute a common human
                                                               rights concept that is unique to men and women[8:214].  The

        KEYWORDS:  globalization,  women,  law,  women's  rights,   Development  right  declaration,  adopted  by  UN  General
        gender  equality,  asset,  new  Uzbekistan,  women's  activism,   Assembly Resolution 41/128 on 4 December 1986, states
        social, society, democratic reforms                    that “development is a comprehensive social, cultural and
                                                               political process aimed at improving the entire population
        As  it  is  noted  in  the  fifth  paragraph  of  the  Millennium   and all individuals well-being on the basis of active, free and
        Declaration  adopted  by  the  UN  General  Assembly  in   practical  participation  in  the  acquisition  and  fair  wealth
        September 2000 “globalization can only be universal and   distribution”. Uzbekistan joined the Declaration by the Oliy
        just, through a common future pursuit based on the diversity   Majlis Resolution of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 504-I on
        unity that belongs to the human race”[2].  From this context,   August 30, 1997. Article 8 of the Declaration states “States
        the  gender  equality  problem  solution  will  be  not  only   should take all necessary measures at the national level to
        relevant,  but  also  in  special  scientific  and  theoretical   ensure  the  right  to  development  and  create  equal
        importance.  As  President  of  Uzbekistan  Sh.M.  Mirziyoev   opportunities  for  all  in  the  use  of  basic  resources,  in
        noted: “In recent years, women's rights and interests in our   education, health, nutrition, housing, employment and in the
        country, ensuring gender equality, family, motherhood and   equitable income distribution. Effective measures should be
        childhood protection, entrepreneurship development among   taken to ensure the women active role in the development
        women, creating new jobs for them, improving working and   process” [9: 4].
        living conditions have become a priority of public policy” [1:
                                                               Untill now, Uzbekistan has taken a number of measures to
        406].                                                  ensure  that  women  have  equal  rights  with  men.  The
        Equality, based on the human development concept, means   Convention in 1979 on all discrimination elimination forms
        that all people have equal opportunities in education, health,   against women [10] (Uzbekistan ratified the Convention by
        employment and participation in the political society life, in   Oliy Majlis Resolution of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 87-I
        meeting their material and spiritual needs. The opportunity   on May 6, 1995) obliges State parties to take all appropriate
        equality is based primarily on the human rights equality and   measures  to  eliminate  discrimination  against  women  in
        fundamental freedoms, regardless the material well-being,   order to ensure women's equal rights with men in education,
        social status, beliefs, gender and ethnicity level [3: 407]. The   employment, health and other economic and social life areas.
        Universal  human  rights  declaration,  adopted  in  1948,   The  Convention  on  all  discrimination  elimination  forms
        occupies a central place in the international human rights   against women (CEDAW) was ratified by Uzbekistan in 1995
        treaties system.   It states that human dignity is "the freedom,   and CEDAW National action plans are regularly updated and
        justice  and  general  peace  foundation”[4:1].  Lack  of   implemented  [11:  7].  A  number  of  its  articles  have  been
        fundamental rights and freedoms can lead to the man and   incorporated into national legislation. Convention № 100 on
        society,  social  and  political  unrest  decline,  the  violence   men and women equal remuneration for equal labor, on in
        spread and the conflicts emergence.                    1951  [12],  must  ensure  that  the  men  and  women  equal
                                                               remuneration principle for equal work applies to all workers,
        The changing  development  technology, i.e., the transition   it  emphasizes.  The  ILO  Convention  “On  maternity  care”
        from  power  models  to  cognitive,  thinking,  information   №183 in 2000 aims to ensure equality for all women in the
        models, is increasing the global role of human resources and,
                                                               labor, as well as in the maternal and child health and safety
        of  course,  these  processes  cannot  be  imagined  without   [13] However, the relevant legislation adoption is not always
        women participation, who make up more than half of the   consistent with its implementation. In all countries of the
        Earth’s  population[5:  370].  The  United  Nations  (UN)  has
                                                               world, including Uzbekistan, there are serious problems in
        classified  the  gender  equality  issue  as  a  global  problem.   this area due to the women low status in society and non-
        “Achieving gender equality and empowering women is an   compliance with their rights.
        unfinished task of our time and the biggest human rights
        problem in the world today”, states UN General secretary   In  2019,  in  the  World  Bank's  annual  report  "Women,
        Antonio Guterres [6]. He recommended that member states   business  and  the  law",  Uzbekistan  ranked  127th  in  the
        change existing gender models based on an unequal values   Gender equality index with 70.63 points. This figure is below

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