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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                    Technologies of Improving Qualities in the Moral

                   Education of Citizens of Andiragogic Age, in Society

                    Shohimardonova Bakhtigul Ho’shbokovna , Rahimova Munisa Axrorovna
                                     1 Faculty of Pedagogy and Exact Sciences,  Student
                         1,2 Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               vivid expression of the high level of attention paid to the
        This article describes the technologies for improving the   elderly. In a word, all conditions are being created in our
        quality of moral education of citizens of andragogic age,   country for the elderly to live a decent life. the place of great
        formed in society, and the principles of teaching foreign   men is incomparable. After all, like our elders, he has served
        languages in education at this age, factors are highlighted.   faithfully and selflessly for many years in the interests of the

                                                               people, tasted the bitterness of life, educated the younger
        KEYWORDS:  andragogy,  andragogic  factor,  methodology,   generation in the spirit of devotion to the motherland and
        moral education, technology                            guided them to the right path. The hands of the saints, who

                                                               have made a great contribution to our peaceful and radiant
        Society  is  a  set  of  historically  determined  collaborative   days, are the ones who see the expressions of contentment
        activities  of  people.  Everything  in  society  (material  and   on their faces and once again feel that the less we appreciate
        spiritual  wealth,  the  creation  of  conditions  necessary  for   them, the less we appreciate them. The integration of our
        human life, etc.) takes place in the course of a certain activity.   country into the world community, the rapid development of
        The  development  of  a  society  has  a  direct  impact  on  the   science  and  technology  require  excellent  knowledge  of
        development and progress of people from different walks of   foreign languages  by specialists engaged in scientific and
        life. The social sphere of society harmonizes social groups,
                                                               pedagogical  activities.  Successful  solution  of  this  task
        strata,  categories  and  their  lives.  Therefore,  the   requires  a  clear  methodological  basis  for  the  teaching  of
        improvement  of  the  qualities  in  the  moral  education  of   foreign languages  in andragogical education. Because the
        citizens of andiragogic age formed in the society is the main   main goal of andragogic education is to develop not only
        condition of a free and prosperous lifestyle.
                                                               professional,  but  also  economic,  social  and  personal
        There are positive qualities in the hearts of everyone living   competence. This type of education is a process based on the
        in our country, such as humanity, kindness and tolerance.   interests  and  needs  of  the  subjects  of  the  pedagogical
        One of the great values of our people is to respect the elderly,   process,  in  which  the  primary  criterion  is  to  take  into
        to enjoy their valuable advice and prayers based on their   account the specific level of educational goals and practical
        many  years  of  life  and  work  experience.  There  are  wise   aspects of knowledge acquisition.  There are a  number  of
        sayings  of  our  people:  "The  old  man  has  an  angel  in  the   factors  that  determine  the  success  of  foreign  language
        house", "The old man has a fairy in the house", "Old age is   teaching  in  andragogic  education,  which  the  facilitator
        adorned with wisdom". This is not in vain, of course. It is   should pay special attention to:
        commendable that this noble value and virtue is reflected in   1.  Practical life experience. Adult learners have a wealth of
        the policy of our state today.                            life  experience,  and  this  aspect  serves  to  enrich  the
        By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan   entire  classroom  practice.  Practitioners  say  that  it  is
        dated April 2, 2019 No PF-5700 "On measures to radically   useful to have older learners in the classroom, as they
        enhance the role of the mahalla institute in dealing with the   are not afraid to talk about their rich experiences in the
        problems  of  the  population"  "Advisory  groups  for  the   classroom and are free to express their opinions on a
        elderly" were established. According to the resolution, the   variety of topics.
        UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in 1990 on social   2.  High motivational orientation. It should be noted that
        protection  of  the  older  generation,  strengthening  their   the  interest  in  learning  foreign  languages  in  older
        attention  and  care,  improving  their  living  conditions,   learners is usually not directly related to obtaining a
        ensuring an active and meaningful life, and making full use of   certificate,  diploma,  which  is  formed  through  their
        their rich life experience. The first week of October has been   internal initiative. will come. Older learners are more
        designated as the "Week of the Elderly" in order to celebrate   motivated to learn foreign languages than younger ones.
        the International Day of Older Persons on October 1 in our   The high level of motivation is reflected in the fact that
        country,  which  was  announced  by  the  resolution  of   they  do  not  miss  classes,  are  always  active  in  the
        December 14. It is gratifying that the draft resolution focuses   classroom and do their homework.
        on  the  creation  and  improvement  of  technologies  for
        improving the quality of moral education of older citizens in   3.  Sustainability  of  social  intelligence.  In  the  process  of
        society, and significant work is being done to ensure the   teaching  an  intensive  foreign  language  course  in
        implementation of the decision. It should be noted that in   retraining and advanced training courses, one can be
        order  to  ensure  the  high  effectiveness  of  this  decision,   sure  that  older  learners  have  strong  social
        meetings are held with labor veterans in labor communities,   characteristics. Social intelligence develops according to
        various  sports  events  are  held  among  the  elderly,  in   personality  types,  personality  traits,  and  cognitive,
        particular,  walking  marathons.  All  this  (andiragogic)  is  a   emotional,  and  behavioral  components  with  specific

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