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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                                  Increased Cardiac Troponin-T in

                            Patients without Myocardial Infarction

                                           Khusainova Munira Alisherovna

                                 Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               was an increase in the level of cardiac troponin-T above the
        According to the World Health Organization, the diagnosis   diagnostically significant level (more than 0.3 ng / ml). The
        of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is based on two of the   exclusion criteria were:
        three  main  criteria:  changes  in  the  ECG  (up  to  25%  of
                                                                 clinical  picture  of  acute  coronary  syndrome  (typical
        myocardial  infarctions  are  not  reflected  in  the  ECG),
                                                                  angina attacks);
        anginous  pain,  and  increased  markers  of  myocardial
        necrosis. In 2000, the European Scientific Society and the     ECG changes characteristic of AMI on the first day of
        American College of Cardiology made a correction to the   inpatient treatment (elevation or severe depression of
        definition of AMI, according to which the determining factor   the ST segment, the appearance of new Q waves).
        in the diagnosis of AMI is the detection of an increased level
                                                               All patients underwent a general clinical examination. The
        of  specific  markers  of  myocardial  necrosis  —  cardiac
                                                               level of cardiac troponin-T in the blood (using the device
        troponins in the blood. Troponin is a protein that is part of
                                                               Cardiac  Reader  Roche,  Germany)  was  determined  at
        myofibrils. Cardiac troponin contains three subunits: T, I,
        and C. Troponin C is non-specific for the myocardium, in   admission,  or  14-16  hours  after  the  deterioration  of  the
                                                               condition. ECG registration was performed on admission to
        contrast to the T and I subunits, whose structure in the
                                                               the hospital and daily. Echocardiography was performed on
        contractile  fibers  of cardiomyocytes differs from similar
        proteins of other muscle cells. The widespread use of the   the  device  GE  Vivid  7  (USA)  according  to  the  generally
                                                               accepted  method. In addition, the level of transaminases,
        determination  of  cardiac  troponins  in  the  blood
                                                               urea, creatinine, bilirubin, total protein, MB-CK in the blood
        significantly increased the detection of AMI (by 30-200%).
                                                               was  analyzed,  gases,  blood  electrolyte,  acid-base  balance
        Until  recently,  it  was  believed  that  troponins  enter  the   were  examined.  Chest  radiography  was  performed  at
        blood  only  as  a  result  of  the  death  of  cardiomyocytes.   admission,  in  some  cases  —  repeatedly.  If  necessary,  the
        However, in recent years, it has been shown that troponins   patients  underwent  ultrasound  examination  of  the
        can penetrate into the interstitial space, and then into the   abdominal cavity and kidneys, blood culture, and brain CT.
        blood, when cardiomyocytes are damaged with an increase
        in the permeability of their cell membranes, which can be   The severity of the patient was determined based on the
                                                               calculation  of  the  SAPS  II  index,  which  assumes  an
        caused not only by AMI, but also by conditions accompanied
                                                               assessment of the urgency of the patient's admission to the
        by hyper production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (tumor
        necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1, etc.).               hospital, the presence of chronic diseases, age, temperature,
                                                               daily diuresis, blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygenation
        The aim of this study was to analyze the final diagnoses in   index (FiO2/PaO2), white blood cells, sodium, potassium,
        patients with increased cardiac troponin-T levels without a   urea, bicarbonate and bilirubin, as well as an assessment of
        clinical picture and characteristic ECG changes in AMI.   the level of consciousness on the Glasgow scale.

        KEYWORDS:  acute  myocardial  infarction,  cardiomyocytes,   The  final  diagnosis  was  established  on  the  basis  of  the
        cardiac troponin-T, anginous pain                      analysis of the clinical picture, the study of the dynamics of
                                                               the  main  symptoms,  the  data  of  a  comprehensive
        Materials and methods                                  examination, in some cases — on autopsy.
        The study included 54 patients (36 men, 18 women, aged 54
        to 87 years, on average-69.8±11.2). The inclusion criterion

                      Table 1 Mortality of patients included in the study and the level of cardiac troponin-T
                                          Total       Number of     Troponin-T level in
                                                                                          Troponin-T level in the
               Nosological form         number of     deceased      discharged patients
                                                                                            deceased (ng/ml)
                                         patients      patients          (ng/ml)
          AMI                              22             11             0.79±0.19              1.62±0.21*
          Septic condition                 16             9              0.63±0.14              1.66±0.27*
          Oncopathology                     8             6              0.74±0.49              1.49±0.34
          Diabetic nephropathy with CRF     4             2              0.58±0.34              1.59±0.58
          Brain infarction                  3             1              0.61±0.45              1.31±0.61
          B12-deficiency anemia             1             1                0.49                    1.69
            Note. Here and in Table. 2: * - statistical significance of differences between the level of troponin T in deceased and
                                                discharged patients (p<0.05).

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