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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                                  Agricultural Development is the

                                 Best Key Factor for Food Security

                         Janibek Farmonov , Boboyeva Surayyo , Kahramonov Fazliddin
                               1 Independent Researcher of Finance, KEEI, Karshi, Uzbekistan
                                   2 Student of Master's Degree, KEEI, Karshi, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               in February 2020, China will receive from the United States
        The article examines the formation of market relations in   an additional 76,7 billion dollars by the end of 2020 and it
        agriculture  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan,  the  negative   was intended to buy agricultural products in 123,3 billion
        impact of COVID-19 on the world economy.               dollars by the end of 2021. In addition, according to the UN

                                                               Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in March of this
        KEYWORDS:  agriculture,  the  impact  of  the  pandemic,  the   year, the prices of food products in the world markets fell by
        global crisis, agricultural development and others     4,3 percent compared to February.

        The largest sector of the economy of the Republic - formation   In the current global crisis and pandemic, agriculture is the
        of market relations in agriculture and effective functioning of   most  promising  sector  in  our  country  in  terms  of
        all  its  spheres  during  the  transition  period,  first  of  all,   employment and income, economic stability. These aspects
        depends on factors such as the gradual implementation of   were especially mentioned at the video conference held by
        economic reforms taking into account the peculiarities of the   the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoyev
        network, the restriction of interference of local authorities   on April 14, 2020 on the issues of further development of the
        and state bodies on the basis of creating conditions for equal   agricultural sector, increasing the volume of food production.
        functioning  of  various  forms  of  ownership  and  economic   The meeting focused on “doubling the production of fruits
        conduct, the formation of a competitive environment on the   and  vegetables  and  livestock.  To  achieve  this  goal,  55
        basis  of  the  development  of  market  infrastructure  and   districts specializing in fruit and vegetables, 86 clusters and
        ensuring sustainable economic growth of private and small   125 cooperatives should be leaders in this area. In order to
        businesses.                                            systematically  and  effectively  implement  these  tasks,  the
                                                               following comprehensive measures have been identified.”
        The  negative  impact  of  the  coronavirus  pandemic  on  the
        global economy is causing a variety of problems. Experts   In particular:
        from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and     Development  of  fruit  and  vegetable  growing.  This
        other international organizations predict that the economies   requires  the  efficient  use  of  600,000  hectares  of
        of many developed and developing countries will slow down   secondary arable land, with 136,000 hectares of fruit-
        by  2020.  This,  in  turn,  indicates  the  escalation  of  global   bearing, 63,000-hectare new orchards and vineyards.
        unemployment and the growing number of people in need of   Along with the introduction of 2-3 harvests, it is planned
        social protection. In addition, the shutdowns will exacerbate   to develop 124 thousand hectares of decommissioned
        global food shortages and food insecurity.                land  and  155  thousand  hectares  of  dry  land  by
        The study of best practices and achievements in agriculture     It is planned to allocate 300 billion soums to the Agency
        of developed countries is great importance in the process of   for Horticulture and Greenhouse Development and the
        deepening economic reforms in agriculture of our country.   Agency for Development of Viticulture and Enology;
        First, the current conditions in developed countries, from     Seed imports should be centralized so that there are no
        farm activities to crop selection to planting and harvesting;   interruptions  in  the  supply  of  seeds.  It  is  planned  to
        second,  economic  relations  in  the  system  of  production,   import about 300,000 tons of potatoes and 10-15,000
        receipt, preparation, processing and sale of goods; thirdly,   tons of seed potatoes annually. Therefore, Kurgantepa,
        the  role  of  the  state  in  both  of  these  processes,  clearly   Bakhmal,  Zamin,  Shakhrisabz,  Kitab,  Yangikurgan,
        marketing research aimed at producing competitive quality   Bulungur,  Bostanlyk  districts  will  be  specialized  in
        products  for  domestic  and  foreign  markets,  export  of   growing seed potatoes. Another problem in the system is
        products on the basis of quotas, conduct research on the   the supply of fertilizers. Uzkimyosanoat has been tasked
        mechanisms  of  economic  support  of  the  state  in  tax,   with  establishing  fertilizer  shops  in  55  fruit  and
        insurance and credit issues are one of the urgent tasks.   vegetable growing districts, and restrictions on fertilizer

        Moreover, it is one of the priority tasks of many countries   imports have been lifted by the end of 2020.
        today  to  solve  and  prepare  for  these  issues  of  social   Furthemore, during the quarantine period, it is planned to
        importance that can arise in the future. For  example, the   create conditions for the free movement of agricultural and
        Reuters agency reported that based on the report of the U.S.   industrial vehicles, farmers and workers in compliance with
        Department  of  Agriculture  (USDA),  China  bought  340   all  regulations  between  districts,  cities  and  regions.
        thousand tons of soybeans (the biggest contract in the last   Allocation of additional 300 billion soums to horticultural
        two years), 756 thousand tons of corn for consumption (the   and viticultural funds for the development of vacant and dry
        biggest  contract  in  the  last  seven  years)  and  110  tons  of   lands, which will be used to dig wells, establish orchards and
        soybeans from the United States. According to the agreement   vineyards, and provide greenhouses to the population. The

        ID: IJTSRD40026 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research                      Page 83
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