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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        succeeded in the new task and that their transfer to another   3.  Recruitment opportunities for public sector employees
        job will depend on their efforts and the fulfillment of the   are less encouraging than for private sector employees.
        tasks set before them.
                                                               4.  A supportive work environment is more stimulating for
        As for moral incentives, they are aimed at motivating the   public  sector  employees  than  for  private  sector
        worker as an individual, a system of democratic influence in   employees.
        order to increase the efficiency and initiative of his work. It
        should be noted that the motivation to work can also vary   5.  Public sector workers are less likely to face work and
                                                                  family conflicts compared to private sector workers.
        depending on the form of ownership of the enterprise.
                                                               From the results of the study, we can conclude that public
        Employees  of  private  and  public  enterprises  can  be
                                                               enterprises  and  private  sector  employees  used  different
        rewarded  in  different  ways  depending  on  their  work.  A
        survey  was  conducted  among  employees  of  private  and   methods to motivate their work. The results of the study
                                                               confirmed  that  the  labor  motivation  of  bank  employees
        state-owned  banks  in  Pakistan  .The  state  bank  has  80
                                                               depends on their salary, additional benefits, work efficiency,
        employees  and  the  private  bank  has  70  employees.  The
                                                               quality  control  and  colleagues  ‘attitudes.  Employees  of
        majority of public sector employees were male, 84%, and the
        remaining  16%  were  female  respondents.  Similarly,  the   private banks are more satisfactory than banks in the public
                                                               sector because they have good wages, additional benefits,
        majority of private sector employees were male members,
                                                               quality control, good relations with employees, development
        i.e. 87% and women only 13%. The majority of respondents
        in  the  public  sector  ranged  in  age  from  31  to  40,  or  34   opportunities and high efficiency at work.
        percent.  Respondents  under  the  age  of  30  make  up  21   On  the  other  hand,  there  are  not  enough  benefits  and
        percent of the survey, and 30 percent are in the 41- to 50-  opportunities  for  public  sector  employees,  resulting  in  a
        year-old group. Only 15 percent of respondents were over   relatively low level of motivation in the workplace. However,
        the  age  of  51.  However,  in  private  sector  banks,  36%  of   there are limitations to this study, and based on the results of
        respondents fall into the category of 31 to 40 years old, and   the above survey, this does not mean that similar conclusions
        31% of respondents are in the age group of 20-30 years.   can be drawn about labor incentives in other organizations
        Similarly, 21% were between the ages of 41 and 50, and only   in Pakistan. This means that the population in the survey
        11%  were  over  the  age  of  51.In  addition,  56%  of   comes from a particular type of industry (i.e., the banking
        academically qualified staff, clearly masters, are from the   sector),  which  may  not  be  a  true  representation  of  the
        public  sector  and  53%  are  from  the  private  sector.  The   population in other sectors, and therefore it will be difficult
        bachelor’s degree is then 39% and 40%, respectively, in the   to generalize the survey results. However, the research is
        public sector and the private sector.                  relevant in understanding the situation of both public and
                                                               private  sector  organizations  in  Pakistan  regarding  the
        The survey asked the following questions:
                                                               effectiveness of motivational factors. But at the same time,
        1.  How much are you encouraged by external financial /
            monetary rewards in your workplace?                we are far from saying that labor motivation is low in all
                                                               public organizations, and high in private organizations. This
        2.  Are there opportunities for growth and development in   is  because  every  company  or  institution  rewards  its
            your workplace?                                    employees according to their inner abilities.
        3.  What are the recruitment processes in your workplace?   Moreover, an article published by Bradley E. Wright (2001)
                                                               focused on encouraging employee labor in the public sector.
        4.  How is the collaborative work environment developed
                                                               His  research  highlights  employee  satisfaction,  job
            so that you can work with employees in your workplace?
                                                               characteristics  and  working  conditions,  work  motivation,
        5.  When  working  with  family,  work  and  family  (during   and  the  organizational  system  of  work  motivation  to  be
            working hours, workload)?                          recommended. (Figure 1 and Figure 2)
        Then, the following results were obtained.             According to Bradley, labor motivation in the public sector is
        1.  Compared  to  private  sector  employees,  public  sector   formed primarily through the formation of the employee's
            employees  are  less  motivated  by  external  financial  /   attitude to work. If the attitude to work and profession is
            monetary rewards.                                  good,  then  it  is  necessary  to  create  job  satisfaction  by
                                                               creating  incentive  systems,  reward  benefits,  job  value,
        2.  The  public  sector  is  less  likely  to  grow  and  develop   creating an appropriate management structure.
            compared to the private sector.

        ID: IJTSRD40025 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research                      Page 80
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