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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                The Use of Internet Resources in Teaching Listening to

                    Undergraduate Students Non-Language Faculties

                                                   Sh. S. Abdullaeva

                        English Teacher of Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               possible thanks to the appearance of Internet resources. As
        The article is devoted to the use of Internet resources in   an example, let's look at some of them in more detail:
        teaching  English,  contributing  to  the  development  of
                                                               1.  TED  (Technology,  Entertainment,  and  Design)  is  a
        listening skills. Special attention is paid to the aspect of
                                                               universal online platform with many conferences of leading
        improving the listening skills of undergraduate students of
                                                               experts in the fields of science, art, design, politics, culture,
        non-linguistic faculties.
                                                               business, global issues, technology and entertainment. The

        KEYWORDS: English language teaching; Internet resource;   mission of the conference is to spread unique ideas ("ideas
        listening skills; out-of-school material; audio material; audio   worth spreading") [1]. Recordings of the most outstanding
        text                                                   speakers  can  be  found  on  the  official  website
                                                               Currently, more than1500 selected lectures with translations
        For a long time in the methodological literature listening it   into different languages available on the website. All videos
        was considered an aspect of teaching a foreign language that   are uploaded with a Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND,
        did not receive due attention from teachers [7]. This was   which allows their free distribution [1].
        explained by the fact that listening skills are automatically   The system of working with such a site, as with any other
        developed  by  students  through  their  immersion  in  the   audio text, is reduced to the following scheme: "sound-text-
        language  environment  and  practice,  while  working  on
                                                               sound"(*+ T+*). First, students are invited to watch the video
        grammatical,  lexical  and  background  material  [8,  9].   without  subtitles  and  catch  the  main  meaning.  This  is
        Currently, members of the society need to develop a high   followed by a detailed analysis of the text with the help of the
        level  of  proficiency  in  the  learning  process,  because  they   presented subtitles, as well as, if desired, by the teacher, with
        themselves want to learn to understand what is said to them
                                                               the help of additional exercises on vocabulary and grammar.
        in English in a personal conversation, in business meetings,   After that, the video is re-viewed, during which auditory-
        on television, in the theater, watching a film, traveling to   visual synthesis takes place, simultaneous transmission of
        foreign countries, listening to audio recordings, etc. [4, 5].
                                                               sound  and  image  (with  subtitles  or  with  a  newly
        Listening  is  considered  to  be  the  most  difficult  aspect  in   disassembled text), which contributes to the development of
        mastering the English language. This complexity is explained   skills and abilities of speech perception by ear and stimulates
        by overcoming such factors as the nature of the language   oral-speech  communication  of  students  during  further
        material,  the  conditions  of  presentation,  the  semantic   discussion of the video material.
        content, the sources of information, as well as the individual   2.[12] - a website that provides access to the latest
        characteristics  of  both  the  speaker  (manner  of  speech,   TV  series  and  some  movies  with  subtitles  in  different
        tempo,  and  presence  of  an  accent)  and  the  listener,  his
                                                               languages, which can be turned on and off at the request of
        auditory experience and many others [6].
                                                               the viewer. Watching movies and TV series in the original is
        On the other hand, listening is a powerful tool for teaching a   of  great  importance  in  the  process  of  teaching  foreign
        foreign language, since it promotes the assimilation of the   languages,  since  it  is  based  on  one  of  the  main
        lexical  composition  of  the  language  and  its  grammatical   methodological principles – the principle of clarity. While
        structure, makes it possible to master the sound side of the   watching the video, all types of speech activity are activated.
        language  being  taught,  its  phonemic  composition  and   As  you  know,  the  information  you  see  and  hear  is
        intonation:  rhythm,  accent,  melody.  In  one  of  his  recent   remembered five times better than the information you hear
        publications, M. Rost described listening as «a necessary type   [3].
        of  re-activity,  because  it  provides  the  listener  with   Viewing  authentic  video  footage  is  also  an  option,  an
        information.  Without  understanding  the  information,  no   effective  means  of  increasing  the  student's  motivation  to
        study can begin... «[6].
                                                               learn  a  foreign  language,  since  they  demonstrate  the
        It should not be forgotten that listening, along with speaking,   functioning of the language in the form adopted by its native
        provides  the  possibility  of  communication  in  a  foreign   speakers in a natural social context, introduce the norms and
        language.  Without  mastering  the  ability  to  distinguish   rules of communication and behavior, show various types of
        foreign  language  speech  by  ear,  communication  with   relationships and illustrate the language of facial expressions
        representatives of other cultures is impossible in principle.   and gestures. Video is a unique tool for teaching speaking
                                                               and foreign language communication [2].
        Unfortunately, with two or three academic hours of English
        per week, the teacher is not able to pay due attention to the   3. BBC podcasts. BBC radio stations have a wide range of
        development of students ' listening skills. More and more   topics that, in the absence of subtitles, it will be useful to
        emphasis is placed on independent work, which it became   listen to as a background, which will include the listener in a
                                                               state of "flow" and create the illusion of "full immersion" in

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