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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        procedure for leasing for up to 7 years (with a grace period   working intensively in artificial basins will be established.
        of 3 years), as well as the sale of the leased land for 5-10   Depending on the effectiveness of use, stratified rates of land
        years on the condition of growing certain types of food and   tax  are  applied.  In  addition,  in  each  region  there  are
        directing the proceeds to the development of new lands is   established exemplary districts specializing in fisheries, in
        being introduced.                                      which credit funds are allocated for the establishment of an
                                                               intensive method of 10-15 fisheries (an average of 100 tons
        It  is  planned  to  introduce  a  system  of  providing  special   of fishing from 1 hectare), processing enterprises.
        financial resources for the cultivation and purchase of fruits
        and vegetables, as in the case of cotton and grain. Instead,   Attention was paid also to the development of beekeepers,
        commercial banks provide  the clusters with the financial   the  importance  of  the  distribution  of  more  than  20
        resources they need for working capital. They can also get   beekeepers slots to households by increasing the production
        short-term loans of 3 to 12 months, pledging the crop for   volume by 5 times, the establishment of a beekeeping cluster
        cultivation and export. In addition, commercial banks will   enterprise in each district, the establishment of a cooperative
        gradually  allocate  at  least  2  trillion  soums  from  their   system was emphasized. In this regard, recommendations
        liquidity resources for working capital loans.         were made on the full operation of forestry facilities, the
                                                               maintenance of more than 16,5 thousand new bee nests.
        In order to implement new projects in the field of fruits and
        vegetables and greenhouses, the task was to attract $ 700   One of the reserves that provide the rural population with
        million  in  credit  lines  from  international  financial   work  at  home  is  the  silk  industry.  Considering  that  382
        institutions  and  direct  the  funds  released  by  commercial   thousand boxes of silk worm feed this year, this means that
        banks from suspended projects to agriculture. There are also   at least 750 thousand people are employed. Today, in the
        benefits for fruit and vegetable exporters.            regions on the basis of the principle of “one household - one
                                                               box of silk worm”, silk worm seeds are distributed, farmer
        In particular, 50% of their transportation costs are covered   farms, cotton and grain clusters are also widely involved in
        by  the  Export  Promotion  Fund.  An  additional  50  billion
                                                               the feeding of silk worm.
        soums will be allocated for this purpose.
                                                               For the further development of the system, 145 billion soums
        As  known,  the  feed  base  is  the  main  factor  in  the   of credit lines of commercial banks will be opened. Payment
        development  of  livestock.  At  least  70  industrial  feed   of additional incentive payments from the account of the
        enterprises will be launched this year. With the introduction
                                                               fund of Public Works to the apartments, which received the
        of  water-saving  technologies  to  provide  them  with  raw   specified harvest, was determined. The implementation of
        materials, the full development of 38 thousand hectares of   these  measures  aimed  at  the  development  of  agriculture
        “lalmi”  and  “yaylov”  lands  is  defined.In  order  to  develop
                                                               creates the opportunity to meet the demand of our country
        livestock and provide cattle, 74 family cooperative activities
                                                               for food products and to expand exports. It serves to provide
        are launched in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Bukhara,   employment  for  low-income  citizens  and  temporarily
        Jizzakh,  Kashkadarya,  Navai,  Surkhandarya  and  Sirdarya   unemployed citizens and to increase the source of additional
        regions.  In  each  region,  it  is  planned  to  organize  farms
                                                               income. This, in turn, will be an important factor not only to
        intended for the preparation and sale of breeding cattle.
                                                               provide the population with stable food products, but also to
        It  needs  to  say  that  poultry  farming  is  one  of  the  seven   reduce their prices.
        treasures,  now  on  the  basis  of  cooperative  experience  of   References:
        feeding poultry to households is widely introduced. To do   [1]   Speech of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan
        this, large poultry farms in the meat line will distribute from   “at the Republican video conference dedicated to the
        100 head to 500 households 3-day chicks, deliver their food,   field of agriculture with the most opportunities for
        provide veterinary services. Forty days later, the cooperative
                                                                    ensuring employment and income of the population in
        itself buys meat in a centralized way. In this way, each family   our  country,  maintaining  economic  stability  in  the
        will be provided with an additional source of income and an   conditions of the current global crisis and pandemic”.
        increase  in  the  employment  of  the  rural  population.  The   // 14.04.2020 year.
        Ministry  of  employment  and  labor  relations  carries  out
        additional incentive payments from the Public Works Fund   [2]   Farmonov  T.  X.  Prospects  for  the  development  of
        for the period of feeding poultry to families participating in   farmer farms-T.: “New century generation”, 2004. –
        the cooperation.                                            47 p.
        In the current year, the system of raising fish production to
        at  least  350  thousand  tons,  granting  subsidies  to  those

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