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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        an  authentic  environment.  Due  to  the  feeling  of  the   them to do so, how they do it in their native language [1]. The
        "streaming"  state,  forgotten  knowledge  of  grammar  and   main thing is to develop the skill of guessing, to learn  to
        vocabulary begins to activate by itself, and the melody of the   anticipate what could be discussed, what the speaker could
        language itself is captured, which is also important when   say  in  this  situation,  thus  leveling  possible  gaps  in
        teaching speaking.                                     perception.
        Here it is worth noting that in such radio programs as, for   Internet resources are an effective means of organizing the
        example,  BBC  Learning  English-6-minute  English  [1]  –   educational  space,  support  social  relations,  as  they  allow
        presenters podcasts are native speakers, so it is provided the   participants  in  the  learning  process  to  carry  out  joint
        opportunity to listen to and learn a live language, in the form   activities,  use  the  Internet  as  a  means  of  organizing  the
        in which it is used by ordinary residents of English-speaking   educational space. the latest materials in various formats, as
        countries, that is, it uses authentic material. Podcasts are   well  as  train  different  types  of  speech  activity.  Authentic
        divided into3 levels: the first - for beginners (elementary),   educational audio material is interesting, informative and
        the second – for students with average knowledge of English   informative, accessible to understanding, corresponds to the
        (lower  intermediate  and  intermediate),  the  third-for   modern  reality  of  a  foreign-speaking  society  and  creates
        students  with  higher-than-average  knowledge  (upper  –   favorable conditions for students to master  new regional
        intermediate). The advantage of the BBC Learning English   information, speech behavior of native speakers, promotes
        project is that the rate of speech voiced by dialogs – different,   their acquaintance with the living language, the life of the
        depending on the level of language training. In 6 minutes of   people, its culture, and modern realities.
        English, there are inserts from English-language dialogues
        from  BBC  correspondents;  in  addition,  there  are   [1]   Elukhina N. V. Obuchenielisteniyuinoyazychnoyrech
        explanations of new English words and expressions. Please
        note that all explanations are given exclusively in English.   [Teaching listening to foreign language speech].
        Moreover, the podcasts are accompanied by a screech (a text   [2]   Kazantsev A. Yu., Kazantseva G. S. Effective forms and
        version of the transmission).                               methods  in  teaching  listening  to  foreign  language
                                                                    speech of students in a non-linguistic university on
        It should be noted that many students of a foreign language.
        They  do  not  realize  that  when  they  listen  to  their  native   the example of the English language. Bulletin of TSPU
                                                                    (Bulletin of TSPU). - 2015. - p. 153.
        speech, they are not aware of it.
                                                               [3]   Malinina. A. Internet resources The use of the second
        In  fact,  they  do  not  listen  to  every  word,  moreover,  they
        underestimate the fact that a person closely links linguistic   generation of Web 2.0 in teaching listening / / Young
                                                                    scientist. - 2012. - No. 11. - pp. 446-448.
        knowledge  with  existing  experience  and  knowledge  of
        concepts such as topic and culture. Farch and Kasper point   [4]   Anderson A., Lynch T. Hearing. Oxford: OUP, 1993.
        out  that  the  absolute  understanding  of  audio  text  is  an   [5]
        erroneous  representation  of  how  the  natural  process  of   Brown G. Twenty-five years of listening education / /
                                                                    Forum. - 1987. 25, 4. pp. 11-15.
        perceiving information in the native language occurs [6]. The
        effort to understand everything does not lead to effective   [6]   Faerch K., Kasper G. The role of understanding in the
        results, causes a feeling of fatigue and, ultimately, leads to   second  language  the  knower.  Applied  linguistics.  -
        failure.                                                    1986. 7/3. - p. 257-274
        In my opinion, it is necessary to teach students to select the   [7]   Hedge T. Teaching and learning in the language class.
        necessary information, ignoring irrelevant ones, i.e. to teach   Oxford: OUP, 2008. - pp. 227-258.

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