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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The present study showed that AMI is diagnosed only in 40% of patients with elevated troponin-T without a typical clinical
picture of AMI. The remaining patients had another underlying disease with manifestations of multiple organ failure. It should
be emphasized that all the patients included in the study were in critical condition when they were admitted. Increased levels
of troponin-T correlated with the severity of the condition; in deceased patients, the level of troponin was significantly higher
than in discharged patients. It should be noted that the level of troponin-T in patients with AMI and other diseases practically
did not differ. There are reports in the literature that some severe diseases lead to an increase in the level of cardiac troponin-T
in the blood. In the present study, an increase in cardiac troponin-T was detected mainly in patients with multiple organ failure.
According to the literature data, it is multi-organ failure that leads to a "non-coronarogenic" increase in cardiac troponins in the
blood: for example, Ammann P., Maggiorini M., 2003, studied the level of troponin-T in patients with sepsis without AMI. As a
result of this study, it was shown that an increase in troponin-T was significantly more often detected in patients with septic
shock, which is the cause of multiple organ failure, while the level of troponin-T directly correlated with the level of tumor
necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). The authors suggest using troponin-T as an additional factor in the
unfavorable course of the disease in patients with a septic condition.
Table 2 Ejection fraction depending on nosology and outcome (%)
Values of the ejection fraction depending on the nosology
The outcome of the disease
AMI (n=22) other diseases (n=32) p
Favorable outcome (n=24) 43.1±9.1 52.1±10.4 0.039
Fatal outcome (n=30) 23.6±8.4 39.1±8.9 0.028
p 0.013 0.021
The increase in troponin-T levels in patients without AIM indicates the involvement of the myocardium in the
identified in this study appears to be associated with pathological process, which may be a manifestation of
myocardial damage due to a systemic inflammatory multiple organ failure with a systemic inflammatory
response. A systemic inflammatory reaction occurs as a reaction. For this reason, the detection of elevated levels of
result of massive cell damage due to severe hypoxemia, cardiac troponins in the blood of this contingent is
acidosis, endo and exogenous intoxication, as well as prognostically unfavorable.
exposure to microbial toxins. Damaged tissues secrete a
large amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which [1]
contribute to the infiltration of tissues by neutrophils and Myocardial infarction redefined — a consensus
document of the Joint european society of
macrophages, activation of lipid peroxidation, and
cardiology/american college of cardiology committee
hyperproduction of nitric oxide. All these processes
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integrum membrana tam parva magnitudine moleculis his joint european society of cardiology/american college
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servo se (33.5 et 25.5 kDa, respective), et per eorum alia
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ruptio in responsione ad cellularum hypoxia. In connection
with the above, it can be assumed that the increase in cardiac
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process involving the myocardium in the pathological [5]
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correlation between EF and the level of troponin-T in AMI
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suffered repeated AMI, that is, they already had a decrease in
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Myocardial infarction redefined: the new ACC/ESC
In conclusion, we can say that, despite the cardiospecific
nature of troponin-T, its detection in the blood of patients in definition, based on cardiac troponin, increases the
apparent incidence of infarction. Heart 2002; 88:
extremely serious condition, in the absence of other
manifestations of AMI, is not a specific symptom of AMI, but
ID: IJTSRD40034 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 89