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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                         Organizational form of Labor Motivation in

                                  Various Proprietary Enterprises

                  Kuchkorov Gaybulla Fayzullaevich , Yuldoshev Mukhammadjon Dilshodo’g’li ,
                                          Sattorov Umirzok Normengovich
                                        1 Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan
                                   2 Master of Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               determines its direction motivates these employees to work.
        Motivation is complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Work   Any leader should not forget to encourage their subordinates
        place motivation is an endless struggle for both employers   to  work  if  they  want  to  achieve  effective  performance.
        and employees. The reason is that labor motivation helps to   Motivation is also the process of creating an incentive system
        increase  the  productivity  of  the  enterprise.  The  article   to achieve an employee’s goals based on his or her needs,
        discusses the organization of labor motivation in various   values, beliefs, and worldviews and using them.
        forms of ownership, as well as research on this topic. At the
                                                               It is known that each society had its own discoveries, new
        end of the topic the necessary conclusions are given..
                                                               approaches,  and  even  mistakes  and  shortcomings  in  the

        KEYWORDS: Work or labor motivation, financial incentives,   organization  of labor activity. One thing is for sure,  even
        moral incentives, proprietary enterprises, private and public   innovations that have led to an increase in labor productivity
        sector an others                                       over a period of time and increased production efficiency
                                                               have become obsolete over time and have exhausted their
        One of the basic relations of the economic system of any   resources or become less acceptable.
        society  is  undoubtedly  the  property  relations.  In  short,    If we look at history, the first labor incentives began in the
        property relations are economic relationships that arise in   Taylor-Ford era, during which the main focus of incentives
        the  process  of  owning,  using,  disposing  of,  and  acquiring
                                                               was  on  wages,  providing  the  worker  with  the  things  he
        property. Ownership of property means that the property   needed to survive. needs and motives other than needs are
        remains in the hands of the owner and represents a social   denied. But from the late 1920s onwards in the USSR, and
        form of appropriation of the material wealth created.
                                                               from the 1930s onwards in Western European countries and
        Although the economic content of a property relationship is   the United States (after the global economic crisis), a new
        determined  by  its  integral  aspects  (possession,  use,   principle of taking into account the needs of the economic
        appropriation  and  disposal),  the  description  of  this   man began to take shape in the economic policies of states
        relationship  may  differ  not  only  in  individual  forms  of   and industrial corporations. Much attention has been paid
        property, but also within a single form of property. Property   not only to wages, but also to the satisfaction of other socially
        is the essence of both legal and economic relations in society.   important  needs  through  a  more  in-depth  study  of  the
        The  legal  and  economic  content  of  property  is   motives of human behavior.
        interdependent and interdependent, so property is both an
                                                               Today, there are many new search engines for incentives,
        economic and a legal category. According to the Law of the   rewards based on performance, which incorporate both old
        Republic of Uzbekistan “On Property”, the forms of property   and new methods of incentives, but greater emphasis pays
        in our country are as follows:
                                                               labor motivation than the previous stage. At the same time, if
          private property;
                                                               we define the concept of labor motivation, it is the desire to
          company (community) property;                       meet the needs of the employee (to receive certain benefits)
          state  property  consisting  of  the  property  of   through the implementation of labor activities.
            administrative-territorial units (communal property);
          mixed property;                                     The  most  common  motivation  for  work  is  financial
          property of legal entities and individuals of other states   incentives.  Among  the  financial  incentives  are  sharp
            and international organizations.                   stratification of wages, the use of bonuses, social packages.
                                                               Among the social incentives are decent working conditions;
        Regardless  of  the  form  of  ownership,  the  company  or
                                                               to an interesting, creative and meaningful work process; a
        organization has a specific group of employees. So, what can   great  deal  of  attention  is  paid  to  the  encouragement  of
        be  done  to  ensure  that  employees  work  effectively  and   improving  community  relations  in  his  spare  time.  For
        sustainably over a long period of time, apply their knowledge
                                                               example,  in  foreign  countries,  especially  in  Germany,  a
        and skills, use their creative potential in a successful work
                                                               number  of  industries  use  specific  criteria  to  encourage
        process, and are interested in it?                     creatively skilled labor. In the implementation of a general
        Such  problems  are  undoubtedly  the  most  fundamental   policy aimed at reducing the workforce, the weakest workers
        problem in the social organization of labor in any society.   are not laid off, but skilled, creative workers are transferred
        Because it is the factor that can determine the successful   to other prestigious areas of labor consumption. The rest are
        future of an enterprise. The solution is to encourage work, or   offered not only to replace those who have left, but also to
        in other words, work motivation. Motivation is the process   find new resources to increase productivity, to learn to work
        by which a stimulus that triggers the activity of the body and   more  efficiently.  It  promises  to  support  those  who  have

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