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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

          The Digital Economy is a Leading Factor in Ensuring a Healthy

                     Competitive Environment-Barriers and Risks of

                        Digitalization of the Economy in Uzbekistan

                                                Eshmamatova Madina
                      Bachelor Student of Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               The resolution also provides for the development of "digital
        Digitalization is being introduced into social processes, the   entrepreneurship" with an increase in the volume of services
        successful  life  of  people  increasingly  depends  on  it,  in   in  this  area  by  2023  by  three  times  and  bringing  their
        addition,  there  is  a  large-scale  introduction  of  digital   exports to $ 100 million.
        technologies in the work of government organizations and
        structures. According to the level of development of the   The  widespread  introduction  of  digital  technologies  is
                                                               planned at all stages of the education system. By 2022, digital
        digital  economy,  Uzbekistan  does  not  occupy  a  leading
                                                               knowledge training centers will be opened in all regions of
        position in the  world, but it confidently holds on  to the
        group  of  countries  following  the  leaders,  improving  its   the country as part of the "Five Initiatives" project.
        position from year to year. It is necessary for the state and   The  Ministry  for  the  Development  of  Information
        business to work together to further develop the digital   Technologies  and  Communications  is  designated  as  the
        economy.                                               authorized body for the development of the digital economy

                                                               and  e-government.  The  National  Agency  for  Project
        KEYWORDS: Digital economy, digitalization, barriers and risk,   Management under the President retains the authority to
        business                                               implement crypto assets and blockchain technology.

        Today, new digital technologies, innovative business models   Two new institutions will be established under the Ministry:
        penetrate  into  all  spheres  of  economic  life  of  society,     "E-Government Project Management Center»;
        influencing  the  very  essence  of  the  economy,  forming     "Center for Digital Economy Research".
        qualitative structural changes in it. As a result, the digital   In the structure of the central office of the ministry, the post
        economy  is  formed  as  a  subsystem  of  the  traditional
                                                               of  Deputy  minister  responsible  for  the  accelerated
        economy,  characterized  by  the  active  use  of  digital   digitalization of the agricultural sector, the introduction of
        technologies and the turnover of specific electronic goods.   modern information systems and software products in the
        The level of development of the digital economy is closely
                                                               field of agriculture and food security is being introduced. The
        correlated  with  the  country's  competitiveness,  which   Ministry also creates the department for the development of
        requires special attention of the state and business to its   digital  technologies  in  the  agricultural  sector  and  the
        development. The article reviews the development of the   department  for  the  Development  of  geoinformation
        digital economy in the world and Russia, identifies the risks
        and threats to the development of the digital economy, and
        suggests ways to overcome them. It is established that today   In addition, the state share in the authorized capital of LLC
        the  electronic  economy  already  goes  beyond  purely   "Unified  Integrator  for  the  Creation  and  Support  of  State
        economic processes. In this activity, it is necessary to take   Information  Systems  UZINFOCOM"  is  transferred  to  the
        into  account  a  number  of  problems,  risks  and  threats   Ministry of Finance free of charge.
        identified  in  the  article  in  order  to  focus  resources  and   The  document  establishes  that  state  bodies  and
        efforts on their neutralization.
                                                               organizations have the right to hold competitions exclusively
        digital  economy,  threats  and  risks  to  sustainable   among  residents  of  the  Technological  Park  of  Software
        development,  economic  growth,  state  regulation  of  the   Products and information Technologies under one contract
        economy, scientific and technological progress         for  the  development,  implementation,  integration  and
                                                               technical  support  of  information  systems  and  software
        On April 28, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree
                                                               products with a total cost of up to 1 billion soums.
        "On measures for the widespread introduction of the digital
        economy and e-government".                             By August 1, the Ministry has been instructed to implement a
                                                               Unified  National  system  of  delivery  and  confirmation  of
        The document provides for the accelerated formation of the   delivery to individuals and legal entities of correspondence,
        digital economy with an increase in its share in the country's   notifications, summonses and other legal documents sent by
        gross domestic product by 2023.                        state bodies and organizations through a network of postal
        All  healthcare  institutions,  schools,  pre-school  education   communication facilities, as well as storage and accounting
        organizations, villages and mahallas should be connected to   of information.
        high-speed Internet in 2020-2021.                      The  digital  economy  is  a  system  of  economic,  social  and
        The share of electronic public services is planned to increase   cultural relations based on the use of digital information and
        to 60% by 2022.                                        communication  technologies.  Based  on  these  theoretical

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