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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
The Results of the Final Engineering and
Geological Studies of the Mass of Lyoss Grits
J. Ravshanov
Assistant, Department "Road Engineering", Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
ABSTRACT E. V. According to the Kadyrov calculations, the land of lyoss
The results of investigation of morphological, retrospective is covered in an area of 4 255 600 km2 of the Earth's surface,
and prognoses engineering-geological tasks concerning which makes up 3,2% of the landfill area on the planet on
loess soils massifs are formulated. The main result of which we live. For many years, more precisely centuries,
solution of retrospective engineering-geological tasks is the these rocks have attracted the attention of mankind. They
proposal of hypothesizes and mechanisms of loess soils are studied by geologists, soil scientists and geographers.
subsidence formation. They are the base for four special
The massifs made up of these grounds are also mastered by
and general theory of subsidence formation.
builders, landlords and agricultural workers. The thickness
The result of solution of prognoses engineering-geological of the areas where all these grills meet varies from a few tens
tasks is the elaboration of methods for calculation the or even hundreds of meters, their composition is specific and
expected subsidence of loess soils massifs under different close enough; these are sandy-loy-dusty systems, the main
mode of their wetting and the development of different part of which consists of fine sand (0.1-0.05 mm) and
methods (hydrogeomechanical, geochemical, geotechnical especially large-dusty (0.05-0.01 mm) - sized grains. The
and complex) of improvement of loess soils massifs extreme dipping value of Lyoss grasses is determined using
properties. one-line and two-line methods, depending on the conditions
of conducting experiments on the odometer instrument. But
KEYWORDS: Engineering geology of loess soils massifs, solving flat and spatial issues requires the use of parameters
subsidence of loess soils, hypothesizes and theories of related to classical mechanics. Therefore, the extreme
subsidence formation, methods of improvement of loess soils deposition value of lyoss grills can be expressed through the
properties deformation module (1 and 2-formulas).
Introduction of great importance are the rocks of lyoss,
formed by mankind among natural geological structures.
They are very common on earth and are found on all
continents of the Earth except Antarctica in large khajms
threeraydi (Lisenko, 1978; lyoss...2001).This lyoss grunt is
located on the highest surface of the Earth, manifested
mainly in the Quadrangular formation of various Genesis. Lyoss grasses have a number of specific engineering-
geological properties, which are distinguished as in different
The results of the study of morphological, retrospektiv types of soils. To such a category of properties, first of all,
(related to the past) and predictive engineering-geological they have a low content of natural moisture, high porosity,
problems with respect to the arrays of Lyoss grunt were
low water resistance, and the main thing is a sharp increase
formed. At relative deposition, the deposition values reach
and decrease in the degree of deposition and deposition. As a
0.17-0.21, the deposition thickness value at Natural loading result, in engineering-geology, a scientific and practical
effect is 55 m. shown to be equal. The main task of solving department was created, which is called engineering geology
past Engineering and geological problems is the
of the massifs of lousse gruels. Within its framework, the
development of 8 hypotheses and rules for the formation of
engineering-geological conditions of the massifs of the
sediments of lyoss grits, on the basis of which four general laussian lattices, their formation, spatial-time changes under
theories of formation have been identified.
the influence of natural and anthropogen (technoogen),
According to the results of solving the predicted problems – modern and predicted geological processes are also studied
it is necessary to develop methods for calculating the (Trofimov, 2008). This set of studies and set of data is aimed
expected values of lyoss grounding in different wet at solving the engineering and geological problems of three
conditions of their deposition, as well as methods of further types of massifs of lyoss grunt: they are morphological,
improvement of the composition of lyoss grounding arrays: retrospektiv (related to the past) and prophetic species.
geochemical, geotechnical and complex. Solving the problems of the first type-allows us to evaluate
The law of their compression is almost no different from the properties, condition, structure and composition of lyoss
some other grunt, if external forces affect the grunt of lyoss, grits, as well as the massifs that they constitute;
which has a natural moisture content. But if we saturate the The solution of the second type of problem is to give us the
lyoss grunt, which is affected by the pressure, with water, named characteristics of this Massif, the history of the
then rashes are also formed in it. Such additional sediments
appearance of sediments and their recovery;
are called extreme sedimentation deformation of the lyoss
grunt. The solution of the third type of problem is the prediction of
the economic assimilation of the lyoss gruels. In this regard,
ID: IJTSRD40021 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 69