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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        major barrier to change is the fact that most faculty members   include hiring practices reward structures that recognize the
        are  not  trained  for  their  teaching  role  and  are  largely   importance  of  teaching  expertise,  quality  assurance
        ignorant of the research literature on effective pedagogy.   approaches that measure learning processes, outcomes in a
        These  findings  are  in  agreement  with  the  research  of   much more sophisticated way than routine methods, and
        Knapper, indicating that the best ideas for effective teaching   changing the way of attaining university accreditation.
                                                               The nationally and locally recognized professors are good
          Teaching methods that focus on the students’ activity
            and  task  performance  rather  than  just  acquisition  of   leaders in providing ideas, insight, and the best strategies to
                                                               educators who are passionate for effective teaching in the
                                                               higher  education.  Finally,  it  is  supposed  that  there  is  an
          Opportunities  for  meaningful  personal  interaction
            between the students and teachers;                 important  role  for  nationally  and  locally  recognized
                                                               professors in higher education to become more involved in
          Opportunities for collaborative team learning;
                                                               the  regulation  of  teaching  rules.  This  will  help  other
          More authentic methods of assessment that stress task
                                                               university teachers to be familiar with effective teaching and
            performance  in  naturalistic  situations,  preferably
            including elements of peer and self-assessment;    learning  procedures.  Therefore,  curriculum  planners  and
                                                               faculty members can improve their teaching methods.
          Making  learning  processes  more  explicit,  and
            encouraging  the  students  to  reflect  on  the  way  they   REFERENCES:
            learn;                                             [1]   Anderson A. The European project semester: A useful
          Learning tasks that encourage integration of information   teaching  method  in  engineering  education  project
            and skills from different fields.                       approaches  to  learning  in  engineering  education.
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         As conclusion we can state that, it was illustrated that a good
        teaching  method  helps  the  students  to  question  their   [2]   Creswell   JW. Educational   research:   planning,
        preconceptions,  and  motivates  them  to  learn,  by  putting   conducting,  and  evaluating  quantitative  and
        them in a situation in which they come to see themselves as   qualitative  research. Sydney:  Merrill  Prentice  Hall;
        the authors of answers and the agents of responsibility for   2011.
        change. But whenever the teachers can teach by this method,   [3]
        they are faced with some barriers and requirements. Some of   Hadavand  S.  Ten  effective  Commandments  in
                                                                    evaluation   of   training   programs. Monthly
        these  requirements  are  prerequisite  of  the  professors'
        behavior  and  some  of  these  are  prerequisite  of  the   Management. 2008; 15: 133–4.
        professors’  outlook.  Also,  there  are  some  major  barriers   [4]   Knapper  Ch. Changing  teaching  practice:  strategies
        some of which are associated with the professors’ behavior   and  barriers.  Paper  presented  at  Taking  stock:
        and others are related to laws and regulations. Therefore, to   Symposium  on  teaching  and  learning  research  in
        have  an  effective  teaching,  the  faculty  members  of   higher  education,  2008  April  25;  Ontario. Ontario:
        universities  should  be  aware  of  these  barriers  and   Canada; 2008.
        requirements as a way to improve the teaching quality.
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