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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Methods based on
the complete cutting Deep-foundation cutting The use of stumbling devices or clogging
piles that cross the lyoss grinds.
of layers of of the sinking layer of
Restoration of sedimentary lyoss rock
calcareous lyoss grinds
massifs with reinforced grunt columns.
sedimentary grits
Area Planning Build waterproof screens
Based on the control to the foot of highways.Qualitative filling
of the humidity of the gaps between the pits and
regime of trenches around the pipe and other
Water repellent activities
sedimentary rock artificial structures at the base of the
masses with lyoss road.
methods Management of emergency water out of
the way and water leakage network.
A set of activities that
Methods based on Complex measures aimed at partial
Complex include different
combining different elimination of the deposition content of
mixed classes of combinations of calcareous grits, structural and water-
techniques of the first
techniques. bearing protective measures.
three groups.
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ID: IJTSRD40021 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 71