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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Lack of interest and motivation among students Developing a satisfactory interaction with students
If each professor could attend crowded classes with two or To collaborate with students and impact their lives
three assistants, they could divide the class into some groups personally and professionally, teachers must be student-
and assign more practical teamwork while they were centered and demonstrate respect for their background,
carefully supervised. ideologies, beliefs, and learning styles. The best instructors
use differentiated instruction, display cultural sensitivity,
Requirements related to faculty outlook in an effective
accentuate open communication, offer positive feedback on
teaching the students’ academic performance, and foster student
Having a successful and effective teaching that creates long-
growth by allowing them to resubmit assignments prior to
term learning on the part of the students will require certain
assigning a grade.
feelings and attitudes of the teachers. These attitudes and
emotions strongly influence their behavior and teaching. This study revealed the effective teaching methods,
Below we give some examples of successful teachers requirements and barriers in Higher Education System.
attitudes. Teachers believe that teaching and learning in higher
education is a shared process, with responsibilities on both
Alignment with organizational strategies student and teacher to contribute to their success. Within
Coordination with the overall organizational strategies will
this shared process, higher education must engage the
allow the educational system to move toward special
students in questioning their preconceived ideas and their
opportunities for innovation based on the guidelines. If
models of how the world works, so that they can reach a
teaching staff of the university know themselves as an higher level of understanding. They believed that to grow
inseparable part of the university, and proud of their
successful people to deal with the challenges in evolving the
employment in the university and try to promote the aim of
society, most developed countries are attempting to use new
training educated people with a high level of scientific teaching methods in higher education. All these methods are
expertise of university, it will become their goal, too. Thus,
student-centered and are the result of pivotal projects.
they will try as much as possible to attain this goal.
Research conducted researchers shows that using a
Interested in students and trust in their ability combination of various teaching methods together will lead
When a person begins to learn, according to the value of to more effective learning while implementing just one
hope theory, he must feel this is an important learning and teaching model cannot effectively promote learning.
believe that he will succeed. Since the feeling of being However, based on the faculty member’s experiences,
successful will encourage individuals to learn, you should effective teaching methods in higher education have some
know that teachers have an important role in this sense. requirements and barriers.
Requirements related to the behavior and performance In this study, barriers according to codes were divided two
of teachers in effective teaching major categories: professor-related barriers and regulation-
Teachers have to focus on mental differences, interest, and related ones; for these reasons, the complete use of these
sense of belonging, emotional stability, practical experience methods is not possible. However, teachers who are aware of
and scientific level of students in training. Class curriculum the necessity of engaging the student for a better
planning includes preparation, effective transition of content, understanding of their content try to use this method as a
and the use of learning and evaluating teaching. combination that is class speech presentation and involving
students in teaching and learning.
Encouraging creativity during teaching the lessons
The belief that creative talent is universal and it will be Using student-centered methods in higher education needs
strengthened with appropriate programs is a piece of some requirements that according to faculty members who
evidence to prove that innovative features of the programs were interviewed, and according to the codes, such
should be attended to continually. Certainly, in addition to requirements for effective teaching can be divided into two
the enumerated powers, appropriate fields should be categories: First, things to exist in the outlook of faculties
provided to design new ideas with confidence and about the students and faculties' responsibility towards
purposeful orientation. Otherwise, in the absence of them, to guide them towards effective teaching methods, the
favorable conditions and lack of proper motivations, it will most important of which are adaptation to the organizational
be difficult to apply new ideas. strategies, interest in the students and trust in their abilities,
systemic approach in higher education, and interest in their
Explaining and developing knowledge on how to resolve discipline.
the issues in future career through class discussion.
Senior instructors try to engage in self-management and Second, the necessary requirements should exist in the
consultation, tracking their usage of classroom management faculties’ behavior to make their teaching methods more
skills and developing action plans to modify their practices effective. This category emerged from some codes, including
based on data. Through consultation, instructors work with having lesson plan; using appropriate educational strategies
their colleagues to collect and implement data to gauge the and metacognition training and self-assessment of students
students’ strengths and weaknesses, and then use protocols during teaching; using concept and pre-organizer maps in
to turn the weaknesses into strengths. The most effective training, knowledge; and explaining how to resolve problems
teachers monitor progress and assess how their changed in professional career through teaching discussion,
practices have impacted the students’ outcomes. As they documenting of experience and having satisfactory
mention "It is important that what is taught be relevant to the interaction with the students.
students' career; however, in the future with the same
In addition and according to the results, we can conclude
information they have learned in university, they want to work
that a major challenge for universities, especially at a time of
in the industry of their country".
resource constraints, is to organize teaching so as to
maximize learning effectiveness. As mentioned earlier, a
ID: IJTSRD39982 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 67