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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

                         0-60        0,140           0,033          0,021             0,043
                        60-100       0,129           0,030          0,023             0,045
                        0-100        0,121           0,032          0,025             0,043
                       100-200       0,500           0,019          0,024             0,295
                       200-300       0,171           0,023          0,015             0,073
                        0-200        0,315           0,026          0,024             0,169

        Salt accumulation in the soil of section 2 looks different, here   more noticeable change in the salt regime occurs in the 100-
        in the upper 0-100 and lower 200-300 cm layers of the soil, a   200 cm layer, where the soil is relatively more saline than in
        small  salt  content  is  observed  -  respectively  0.121  and   the previous layer. Here, in all the years of research under all
        0.171%  of  a  dense  residue  and  0.025%  and  0.015%  of   soil moisture regimes, the movement of salts into the lower
        chlorine - ion. In the middle part of the aeration zone in the   layers, i.e. water-soluble salts are washed out.
        100-200 cm layer, relatively more salt accumulation is noted,
                                                               In 1986, the amount of solid residue with an initial content of
        the total amount of salts increases to 0.5%. Consequently,
                                                               0.588%  by  autumn  according  to  various  variants  of  the
        according to the initial content of salts, the soil of plot I is
                                                               experiment decreased to 0.229-0.539%, in 1987 from 0.600
        subject to weak salinity. On site 2, the upper 0-100 cm and
        lower 200-300 cm layers are practically not saline, its middle   to 0.231-0.408%, in 1988 - from 0.588 to 0.209-0.432%. If
                                                               we consider the change in  salts in the context of various
        part  (100-200  cm)  is  slightly  saline.  The  soils  of  the
                                                               irrigation regimes, then it can be noted that options with pre-
        experimental  plots  are  of  the  chloride-sulfate  type  of
        salinization. The salts are dominated by sulfates, the supply   irrigation moisture 70-75-65 and 75-75-65% HB turned out
                                                               to be more effective in desalinating a layer of 100-200 cm.
        of which is more than half of the dry residue. The sulfate
                                                               Desalination proceeds worse at a humidity mode of 60-70-65
        anions in the soil of site 2 exceeded 4.8–8.1 times, and of site
                                                               HB. Var. 2, where the cotton was watered with a moisture
        2–1, 8–5.0 times. Since the soil in plot I is slightly saline, in
        plot 2 it is prone to salinization in a deeper (100-200 cm)   content  of  70-70-65%  HB,  occupied  an  intermediate
        layer, when favorable conditions are created, water-soluble
        salts  can  easily  move  to  the  upper  soil  layers  and  cause   The  decaying  effect  of  preventive  watering  must  be
        danger to the normal growth and development of cotton.   strengthened by carefully conducted vegetative watering. On
                                                               our experimental plots, early spring preventive watering was
        The  results  of  our  three-year  studies  have  shown  that
                                                               carried out annually closer to the sowing of cotton, at rates of
        various  irrigation  regimes  for  fine-fiber  cotton  played  a
                                                               1200-1500 m3 / ha. If we take into account that in the area
        certain role in changing the salt regime of the soils of the
        experimental plots.                                    with  deep  groundwater,  the  soil  is  complex,  with  the
                                                               exception  of  the  arable  layer,  of  light  loam,  has  a  loose
        Experiments carried out on a site with a groundwater level   constitution, facilitating from top to bottom and has good
        of 1.5-2.0 m showed that under the influence of irrigation   water  permeability,  then  with  such  rates  of  preventive
        regimes, a sensitive change in the salt regime of soil occurs.   irrigation, it is quite possible to achieve desalinization of the
        So,  in  the  experiment  of  1988,  with  the  mode  of  pre-  soil to a depth of 2 m. Naturally, this was also facilitated by
        irrigation  soil  moisture  70-70-65%  HB  (option  2),  the   vegetative irrigation, carried out by norms for the deficit of
        content of dense residue in the 0-60 cm layer from spring to   the calculated layer in combination with high-quality inter-
        autumn decreased from 1.153 to 1.121% in 60-100 cm from   row cultivation, timely feeding of plants, weed control and
        1.105 up to 1.046% and in the layer 100-200 cm it increased   other types of agro technical measures.
        from 1.019 to 1.240%. However, the amount of chlorine ion
                                                               Thus,  from  the  foregoing,  it  follows  that  on  the  irrigated
        at  the  end  of  the  growing  season  in  the  0-60  cm  layer
        increases from 0.027 to 0.096%, in the 0-100 cm layer, from   lands of the Karshi steppe, subject to low salinity, during the
                                                               cultivation  of  cotton,  pre-sowing  reserve  preventive
        0.028  to  0.075,  in  the  100-200  cm  layer  from  0.029  to
                                                               irrigation with rates of 1200-1500 m3 / ha should be used
                                                               annually as a mandatory agro technical method. The effect in
        In variant I, where the regime of pre-irrigation soil moisture   soil  desalinization  achieved  by  these  irrigations  must  be
        is  60-70-65%  HB,  the  salt  content  in  the  soil  increases   consolidated by using optimal irrigation regimes for fine-
        significantly  from  spring  to  autumn.  The  same  picture  is   fiber cotton during its growing season in combination with
        observed  in  variants  3-4.  So,  if  at  the  beginning  of  the   other agro technical measures carried out using intensive
        growing season in the 0-60 cm layer there was 1.153% of a   technology. With the introduction of such interrelated agro-
        dense residue, by autumn it was found in option 3-1.270 and   reclamation  measures,  a  prerequisite  is  created  for  the
        in option 4-1.261%. However, in deeper soil layers (100-200   maximum prevention of the process of movement of water-
        cm), the salt content is lower (1.227-1.262% :) than in option   soluble salts from the lower, more saline layers to the upper
        I  (1.328%).  Comparative  analysis  of  the  obtained  data   ones.  Thanks  to  this,  farmers  will  be  able  to  ensure  the
        showed that the most favorable soil reclamation regime is   maintenance of the upper soil layers in the most favorable
        observed in variants 2-3, where the regime of pre-irrigation   ameliorative state during the entire growing season.
        soil moisture is 70-70-65 and 70-75-65% HB.
        The data on the salt regime of the soil in the area with deep   [1]   A. P. Averyanov On the question of determining the
        groundwater, where the upper 0-100 cm layer is practically   irrigation rate. Moscow, "Soil Science", No. 9, 1968.
        not saline, are given in table 4,5,3. under such conditions, as   [2]
        shown by three-year data, the salt content in the 0-100 cm   Avtonomov A. A., SafarovE. Sh. Testing of methods of
                                                                    irrigation of cotton through furrow and through strips
        layer both in terms of dry residue and chlorine-ion does not
                                                                    in  the  Hungry  Steppe.  Tr.  Central  Experimental
        change significantly from spring to autumn under various
                                                                    Reclamation Station, vol. I, Tashkent, 1961.
        irrigation regimes, it is maintained in a stable position. A
        ID: IJTSRD39981 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research                      Page 64
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