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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

                                                               These types of bonds have a light terminal hydrogen atom.
                                                               Oscillations  of  this  kind  of  bonds  in  the  molecule  are
                                                               experienced  only  by  a  slight  effect  from  the  rest  of  the
                                                               molecule. It can be argued that a set of energetically unequal
                                                               hydrogen  bonds  is  realized  in  such  compounds  [26,27].
                                                               Strong vibrations at 1610 cm-1 confirmed the presence of
                                                               the carbonyl group of the carboxymethyl anion (-C = O). The
                                                               absence of a wide band in the region of 2500-2800 cm-1 and
                                                               the high value of the position of the stretching vibration band
                                                               of the carboxyl group indicate that the carboxyl groups are
                                                               not at a high level, and they do not form hydrogen bonds
                                                               with each other. Absorption bands of about 1423 and 1325
                                                               cm-1 belong to the —CH2 group and the hydroxyl group (—
                                                               OH), respectively. Absorption in the region of 1140-1065 cm-
                                                               1 refers to vibrations of CO groups. With an increase DS of
                                                               CMC SC, the intensity of the bands decreases, characterizing
                                                               the  planar  deformation  vibrations  of  hydroxyl  groups.  A
         Fig. 5: Solubility of CMC samples with a change in their   band appears characterizing the vibrations of C-O-C of the
                                DS                             simple ether bond. [28.29].
        Depending  on  the  DS  and  DP,  CMC  is  soluble  in  water,   4.  Conclusion
        aqueous  solutions  of  alkalis  and  practically  insoluble  in   As  a  result  of  the  studies,  low  and  high  substituted  CMC
        organic solvents. It is known that the complete solubility of   samples  based  on  MCC  and  PC  were  obtained  and
        Na-CMC is ensured with its DS≥0.60 in water and DS≥0.45 in   characterized. Maximum of solubility of low substituted CMC
        aqueous solutions of alkalis [23].                     was reached at DS-0.38 by consumption of MCA
        The solubility of CMC samples from MCC and PC from their   It  is  known  that  obtaining  highly  substituted  CMC  i.e.
        DS was studied.                                        polyanionic  cellulose  (PAC)  is  carried  out  by  multi-stage
                                                               carboxymethylation  of  the  feedstock,  which  leads  to  an
        As can be seen from Figure 6, the solubility of CMC samples
        obtained from MCC and PC reaches high values at low DS   increase in the cost of the final product due to an increase in
        values. Starting from DS-0.35, CMC samples are completely   chemical reagents and energy consumption. It is shown that
        soluble in water, which can be explained by the low values of   the  use  of  PCs  as  a  starting  material  in  one-stage
        the  initial  samples  and  the  uniform  distribution  of   carboxymethylation makes it possible to obtain PAC samples,
                                                               which are a valuable reagent for the oil and gas industry, in
        substituents along the cellulose macromolecule.
                                                               the production of drilling and other solutions in oil and gas
        The  IR  spectrum  of  CMC  samples  (Fig.6)  shows  that  the   production.
        carboxymethyl and hydroxyl groups of the polymer are in
        the  absorption  band  of  1618,  1426,  and  1300  cm  –1,   References
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                                                                    Shemy, “Utilization of carboxymethyl cellulose based
                                                                    on  bean  hulls  as  chelating  agent,  Synthesis,
                                                                    characterization and biological activity”, Carbohydrate
                                                                    Polymers, vol. 83, no.4, pp. 94–115, 2011. .
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                                                                    Derivative: Carboxymethyl-Cellulose as useful Organic
                                                                    Flocculant  against  Industrial  Waste  Waters”  Int.
                                                                    Journal  of Advancements in  Research & Technology,
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        The  IR  spectrum  of  CMC  samples  shows  that  the   [4]   Cheng et al., “Energy consumption and morphological
        carboxymethyl and hydroxyl groups of the polymer are in     development  of  eucalyptus  alkaline  peroxide
        the  absorption  band  of  1618,  1426,  and  1300  cm  –1,   mechanical  pulp  by  carboxymethyl  cellulose  –
        respectively. According to the presented data, the absorption   assisted refining” BioResources, vol. 8, no.2, pp. 2173-
        bands at a wavelength of 1620 and 1423 cm – 1 correspond    2185, 2013.
        to two carboxyl and methyl functional groups of CMC [24].
        Additional absorption bands at 2152 and 2376 cm – 1 may   [5]   M.  Mohkami,  M.  Talaeipour  “Investigation  of  the
        be associated with the presence of their by-products in CMC   chemical   structure   of   carboxylated   and
        — a reaction or a combined bond of CMC with water [25].     carboxymethylated fibers from waste paper via XRD
        Obviously, the wide absorption band at 3432 cm – 1 and      and  FTIR  analysis”,  BioResources,  vol.  2,  no.6,  pp.
        2909 cm – 1 is characterized with asymmetric vibrations of   1988–2003, 2011.
        the  hydroxyl  (—OH)  and  methylene  (C  –  H)  groups,   [6]   H.  Xiaojia,  W.  Shaozu,  F.  Dongkang,  N.  Jinren,

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