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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        2.3.3.  Moisture content and ash content               dispersion under the same conditions are presented in table
        Moisture content was determined at 105°C after 2 h in an   1.
        oven. [14]. Also, the amount of ash was estimated by igniting
        the sample, at 58-60°C, in a muffle furnace [15].         Table 1: Physicochemical characteristics of CMC
                                                                      samples obtained from CC, PC and MCC
        2.3.4.  CMC content                                                  DS   Solubility   CMC       рН
        Exactly 1.5 g of CMC was added to 100 mL of 80% aqueous    Raw       of    in water,   content,   of 1 %
        methanol solution. This mixture was stirred, kept for 10 min   celluloses   CMC   %     %      solution
        and filtered. The cake was washed with 100 mL of fresh 80%   Cotton
        aqueous methanol and dried to obtain pure CMC [16]. The   cellulose   0,65   97,0      53,0      9,6
        CMC content was calculated as follows:                      MCC     0,70     100       73,0      8,9
        CMC content (%) =   W   ×   100                             PC      0,78     100       78,0      8,5

                             W0                    (4)         As can be seen from table 1, with the suspension method of
                                                               obtaining such quality indicators of CMC as DS, solubility in
        where W0 (g) is the weight of sample before washing and W   water and the content of the main substance in the samples
        (g) is the weight of washed sample.                    is quite high.
        2.3.5.  Determination of solubility                    The  high  DS  value  of  CMC  obtained  by  the  suspension
        The  solubility  technique  of  Na-CMC  is  based  on  the   method is explained by the low water content in the reaction
        dissolution of the sample in water, followed by filtration of   medium,  as  a  result  of  which  the  rate  of  side  reaction  of
        this solution through filter funnels.                  hydrolysis of MCC is significantly reduced in the aqueous

        The filtering funnels are dried to constant weight for 2 hours   organic medium, and as a result, the useful coefficient of the
        at  a  temperature  of  1050C,  followed  by  cooling  in  a   flow of the esterifying agent increases. And the high value of
        desiccator to room temperature.                        the solubility index of CMC samples is apparently explained
                                                               by the high DS CMC values, in particular, its compositional
        700 g of Na-CMC solution are prepared with a mass fraction   homogeneity and low DP values.
        of 0.1% in terms of an absolutely dry technical product.
                                                               The  absence  in  Uzbekistan  of  the  production  of  organic
        Dissolution is carried out for at least 2 hours with stirring   solvents, such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA), benzene, toluene
        with a propeller-type stirrer.                         and  others,  hinders  the  development  of  suspension
        The  resulting  solution  settles  for  1.0-1.5  hours  to  settle   technology  for  the  production  of  CMC.  Suspension
        insoluble particles and is filtered through a filter funnel on a   technology of special grades of CMC can be mastered in the
        water-jet  pump,  while  the  precipitate  is  quantitatively   republic using technical grades of ethyl alcohol.
        transferred to the filter. The filter residue is washed with   At present, the industrial production of IPA has not been
        150-200 ml of distilled water with stirring with a glass rod,   mastered in the republic. Thus, local ethyl alcohol can be
        then washed with 10 ml of ethyl alcohol, and then dried to   usedin the production of CMC in a slurry manner.
        constant weight (m2) at a temperature of 105 С.
                                                               We studied the effect of the carboxymethylation reaction of
        The  solubility  of  Na-CMC  in  water  (Xi)  in  percent  is   MCC  and  PC  on  the  physicochemical  parameters  of  the
        calculated by the formula:                             obtained  CMC  samples  and  determined  the  optimal
        Хi = ((m1-m2)) ∙ 100                                   conditions  for  the  preparation  of  highly  substituted  CMC
                                                               samples from the MCC and PC in the suspension method in
               m1                                  (5)         isopropyl and ethyl alcohol.
        where m1 is the mass of the Na-CMC sample in terms of   Comparative studies of the alkaline treatment of MCC and PC
        absolutely dry matter, g;                              at  various  concentrations  of  sodium  hydroxide  in  the
        m2 - mass of filter cake, dried to constant weight, g.   medium of IPA and ethanol were carried out.
        2.3.6.  Infrared spectroscopic analysis
        Infrared  spectra  of  Na-CMC  samples  are  recorded  on  a
        SPECORD IR-75 instrument in the range of 4000 cm  - 400
        cm .
        3.  Results and discussions
        The esterification of MCC and PC was carried out according
        to the known suspension technology [17, 18] in ethanol. To
        do this, 20 ml of ethanol is added to 10 g of MCC or PC with
        vigorous stirring for 20 minutes, followed by the inclusion of
        30 ml of a 40% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide. Then
        25 ml of ethyl alcohol containing 11.0 g of dissolved MCC was
        gradually added to the mixture, and stirred for 3 hours at 70
        ° C. The reaction product is filtered off, washed with ethyl
        alcohol and dried to constant weight at a temperature of
        800C.                                                   Fig. 1: Dependence of DS of CMC from MCC on alkali
        The results of suspension carboxymethylation of samples of
        cellulose-containing raw materials of different nature and

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