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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                               Thermal Conductivity of Composite

                          Materials Based on Crystallizing Polymers

                           О. Kh. Panjiev , О. N. Bozorov , E. Boboyorov , D. А. Rustamov
           1 Candidate Tech Science & Associate Professor, Karshi Engineering Economic Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan
                            2 Master of Karshi Engineering Economic Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan
                            3 Student of Karshi Engineering Economic Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               calculations  and  technology  for  obtaining  PCM  and  their
        The lack of a theory of thermal conductivity of polymer   processing into products.
        composite polymers and homopolymers makes it difficult
                                                               These  materials  use  in  the  national  economic  sectors
        to  predict  the  thermophysical  characteristics  of  newly
        created  polymer  materials.  Therefore,  the  issue  of   complex  engaged  in  the  production,  processing  and
                                                               operation  of  PCM  products,  as  well  as  the  results  of
        experimental  study  of  heat  transfer  processes  in
                                                               studying  these  materials  TPP,  ultimately  saves  the
        polymers  and  materials  based  on  them  is  relevant.  The
                                                               material and energy resources of the country.
        accumulation of experimental data on the thermophysical
        characteristics  of  new  polymeric  materials  differing  in   Among  the  fluorine-containing  polymers  class,  there  are
        nature  and  structural  features  contributes  to  the   those  that  are  characterized  by  significantly  higher
        acceleration of the creation of the theory of their thermal   performance  properties  than  polytrifluorochlorethylene
        conductivity.  In  this  regard,  this  work  presents  an   (PTFСHE), and therefore, are widely used now in various
        approach  to  solving  this  problemby  increasing  the   sectors  of  the  national  economy.  Such  polymers  are
        spectra  of  experimental  methods  and  their  theoretical   polyvinylidene  fluoride  (PVDF)  and  its  modification  -
        interpretation.                                        modified polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF-M).

        KEYWORDS: thermophysical properties (TPP); the nature of   These  polymers  are  characterized  by  high  resistance  to
        the  thermal  movement;  heat  transfer  mechanism;  polymer   ionizing  radiation,  chemically  aggressive  media,  and  high
        composite  material  (PCM);  filler;  fluctuation;  dispersed   temperature  resistance,  good  dielectric  and  mechanical
        phase;  polymer  matrix;  thermal  conductivity;  electrical   properties.  Moreover,  these  materials  have  a  relatively
        conductivity; phonon mechanism                         simple molecular structure, a sufficiently high regularity of
                                                               the  main  molecular  chain,  and  crystallize  well,  thus
        The  development  and  production  of  new  composite   forming  sufficiently  perfect  crystal  structures.  The
        materials  with  a  set  of  specified  properties  is  defined  as   crystallinity degree () and the crystalline formations size
        one  of  the  most  important  tasks  of  modern  science.  A   can be varied  within a fairly wide range. In addition, the
        special  place  belongs  to  polymer  composite  materials   structure  at  its  various  levels  organization  and  the
        (PCM),  which  often  have  a  number  of  such  important   molecular mobility of unfilled PVDF are well studied [2-4].
        performance  characteristics  that  traditional  materials  for   Based on this, it can be concluded that these polymers are
        structural and other purposes do not possess [1].      promising as a binder for creating PCM.
        One  of  the  most  important  tasks  of  modern  thermal   The fillers effect on TPP polymer material is manifested in
        physics  and  molecular  physics  is  to  establish  the   two ways. First, the presence of dispersed fillers particles
        relationship between thermophysical properties (TPP), in   in a polymer significantly affects its structure formation at
                                                               its various levels organization.
        particular thermal conductivity ( ) of polymeric materials
                                                               In two-component composite material case, an important
        with their structure at its various levels organization and
        the  thermal  motion  nature.  This  relationship  knowledge   factor  is  the  quantitative  relationship  between  the
                                                               volumetric  content  of  polymer  and  filler  in  PCM.  Volume
        makes  it  possible  to  more  deeply  and  comprehensively
                                                               content of filler in PCM:
        analyze  the  heat  transfer  mechanism  in  polymer
        composite  materials  (PC),  which  will  help  accelerate  the    =                           (1)
        solution to the polymer materials obtaining problem with
        predetermined TPPs. Providing polymer materials for the   Where    and    - is the filler and polymer volume in the

        growing  needs  of  various  industries  and,  first  of  all,   composition,  respectively.  If  the  filler  content  in  the
        mechanical engineering, as well as the electrical industry,
                                                               composition  is  within,  0 <  < 0,5,  then  in  this  case  the
        radio electronics and other branches of technology.
                                                               polymer  acts  as  a  forming  medium.  That  is,  the  polymer
        Knowledge of TPP PCM allows us to evaluate the products   can  be  considered  as  a  dispersion  medium  in  which
        behavior  made  of  these  materials  in  various  operation   dispersed filler particles are embedded.
        modes,  thereby  increasing  the  service  life  and  increasing
                                                               In  the  non-interacting  components  case  of  such  a
        the  reliability  of  such  products.  Thermophysical
                                                               composite  material,  both  components  in  them  will  be
        characteristics of PCM and their components are the basis   geometrically  equal  [1].  This  means  that  the  effective
        for  the  scientific  approach  to  thermal  equipment
                                                               conductivity  (in  this  case,  thermal  conductivity)  of  such

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