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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        "ephedrine, a medicine for the common cold, which is used   If all structural, linguistic and stylistic norms are observed in
        as a narcotic drug"; shaggy - "bald"; or metaphors with an   speech, but "the choice of goals is determined by anti-values
        ironic connotation a basketball player is a "short man."   (moral, existential, aesthetic, etc.)," then such speech is a
                                                               manifestation  of  speech  anti-culture,  this  concept  is  so
        Compared  with  the  three  named  (foreign  borrowing,
                                                               understood. In other words, the goal set also determines the
        affixation and metaphor), the share of other sources of the
                                                               degree of environmental friendliness of speech. The degree
        formation of the lexical fund of youth slang is insignificant.
                                                               of  environmental  friendliness  of  speech  should  be
          Borrowing thieves' argotisms: lawlessness - "complete   determined taking into account the goal of the performed
            freedom, revelry"; ksiva - "documents"; wet - "beat, kill."   speech behavior and its linguistic implementation.
          Antonomazia (proper noun as a common noun): Levis,   Bibliography:
            Louis  "jeans";  Masha,  Natasha  -  "girl";  listening  to   [1]   Ионова С. В. К вопросу о признаках экологичности
            Mendelssohn  -  "to  be  present  at  the  marriage     текстовой     коммуникации     //    Вестник
            ceremony"; to drive mumu - "to lie".                    Волгоградского государственного университета.
                                                                    Сер. 2., Языкознание. 2011.
          Synonymous  or  antonymic  derivation  (one  of  the
            components of a phraseological unit is replaced  by a   [2]   Моисеенко А. В. Некоторые лингвоэкологические
            close  or  opposite  word  of  the  national  language  or   особенности  субстандартной  синонимии  в
            slang): to hammer in a joint - "fill a cigarette with a drug   английском  и  русском  языках  //  Вестник
            for smoking" - to nail a joint - to nail a joint - to nail a   Челябинского  государственного  университета.
            joint; get on a needle - "start using drugs on a regular   Серия «Филология. Искусствоведение». 2007. №
            basis" - get hooked; add a needle - "teach someone to use   13. С.65–71.
            drugs" - add a screw - add a jeff; get off the needle - "stop   [3]   Огдонова  Ц.Ц.   Концептуальные  основания
            using drugs" - get off the needle - jump off the needle.
                                                                    лингвоэкологической     парадигмы    научных
        In addition, this series can be continued by describing such   исследований // Альманах современной науки и
        linguistic manifestations as truncation of roots, addition of   образования. Тамбов: «Грамота», 2009.
        roots, universalization, abbreviation, etc. These processes   [4]   Раренко  М.  Б.  2003.01.007.  Хрестоматия  по
        are especially vividly observed in the media space, where   эколингвистике: язык, экология и окружение. The
        there  is  a  "shift  in  communication  towards  non-
                                                                    ecolinguistics reader: language, ecology a. / Ed. By Fill
        environmental  friendliness",  which  is  confirmed  by
                                                                    a.  A.  P.  Muhlhausler.  L.  N.  Y.,  2001.  296  p.  //
        "environmental disasters", for example, such as the influx of   Социальные   и   гуманитарные      науки.
        foreign words, stylistic decline in speech, its jargonization,
                                                                    Отечественная и зарубежная литература. Серия 6:
        vulgarization,  stamping,  the  use  of  obscene  words  and
                                                                    Языкознание. Реферативный журнал. 2003. № 1.
        expressions,  disregard  for  the  formulas  of  politeness,
        depletion of the vocabulary of native speakers.

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