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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                   On the Problem of Preserving the Ecological Purity

                   of the Language in the Linguocreative Media Space

                                    Ibrokhimova Mokhinurkhon Ahrorkhon Kizi

                    Master's Student of the Direction "Linguistics: Russian Language" of FerSU, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               But nevertheless, adequate perception of the lexical form of
        The article attempts to analyze the problem of the ecology   new  words  unusual  for  language  and  widespread  use,  in
        of language within the framework of a new direction of   particular in the media space, “fixes” it so much in the minds
        linguistic thought.                                    of speakers and listeners that they gradually begin to acquire

                                                               the meaning of a norm. In this sense, as a reverse process of
        KEYWORDS:  ecology,  language,  concept,  ecolinguistics,
                                                               this  phenomenon,  the  disappearance  of  the  eradicated
        relationship, ecological purity, derivation            classical forms of words due to their "displacement" as a
                                                               result of the results of linguistic creativity is also observed. If
        The close relationship between the ecology of nature and the   we consider the language as a reflection of the soul of the
        ecology of language as a part of culture revived a new term   nation, the traditions of the people, the primary factor in the
        and a whole direction in modern linguistics associated with   awareness  of  its  originality,  the  issue  of  preserving  the
        it  -  ecolinguistics,  which,  in  turn,  was  introduced  into   ecological  purity  of  the  language  becomes  especially
        scientific circulation by the American linguist Einar Haugen
                                                               relevant. At the moment, due to the expansion of technical
        [Ionova  2010:  87].Being  the  founder  of  the  concept  of   capabilities  in  communication  and  their  features  of
        ecology of language and the founder of the theory of ecology   functioning,  there  is  a  tendency  to  replace  verbal
        of language, Haugen in 1970 defined the ecology of language   communication  with  sign,  or  non-verbal.  The  social
        as a science that studies "interactions between any language   characteristics  of  the  language  change  somewhat.
        and  its  environment,  environment"  codes  ”(quoted  from   Increasingly,  the  author's  neologisms,  slangs,  jargons  are
        [Rarenko  2003:  73]).  There  are  also  a  number  of  other   adjacent to a number of literary words. Understanding the
        conflicting opinions on the correlation of the authorship of   process  of  formation  of  this  kind  of  words  will  help  to
        this  term  and  even  the  correlation  of  the  terms   identify  the  reasons  for  such  a  wide  use  of  them  in  the
        "ecolinguistics", "ecology of language / languages", "linguistic   speech of native speakers. So, the formation of the dictionary
        ecology" and "linguoecology" / "linguistic ecology". As a rule,   of the so-called "systemic" slang - occurs at the expense of
        these terms are used as synonymous (see, eg, [Moiseenko
                                                               the  same  sources  and  means  that  are  characteristic  of
        2007;  Ogdonova  2009:  122  and  many  others]),  however,   language  in  general,  and  Russian  in  particular.  Having
        attempts  are  being  made  to  differentiate  them.  The  term   appeared in such a grotesque guise, the borrowed slangism
        "ecolinguistics" is used to refer to all areas of research that   immediately actively enters the system of inflection: girl -
        link ecology to linguistics.                           girls, girls, street - to street, perent - with perent, zipper"
        This is how it is defined by Alvin Phill (after [Ionova 2010:   lightning "- zipper, byte" white "- byte. It is interesting to
        88]), and after him other scientists. According to Alvin Phill,   note  that  some  foreign  words,  which  have  long  been
        "the  ecology  of  language  (s)  examines  the  interaction   assimilated by the Russian language, seem to be re-adopted
        between languages  (with the aim  of preserving linguistic   in  a  different  meaning  (and  sometimes  with  a  different
        diversity)"; “Environmental linguistics uses the methods and   stress) and already in this meaning form derivatives: record
        principles of ecology to learn a language (for example, the   (record)  -  "gramophone  record";  record  -  "plate";  rally  -
        concept of an ecosystem)”; “Linguistic (linguistic) ecology   "meeting"; smitingnutsya - "to meet"; ring - "phone"; ringing,
        studies   the   relationship   between   language   and   tringanut - "to call by phone", ringushnik - "a notebook with
        environmental problems” [Ibid.].                       phone numbers"; speech - "conversation"; to speak, to speak
                                                               - to "talk".
        It is advisable to consider the object of ecolinguistics such
        manifestations of linguistic signs or units in which identical     Affixation,  as  a  means,  is  very  productive  and  with
        features  of  independent  disciplines  such  as  ecology  and   primordial  Russian  roots:  ottyag  -  "pleasure",  to  be
        linguistics are clearly indicated at the junction of the general   delayed - "to receive pleasure, indulge in fun; pin up -
        laws of their existence. And as the subject of this direction, it   "pay  attention,  cling,  mock,  get  carried  away";  joke  -
        is customary to consider various aspects of the functioning of   "something  that  you  can  laugh  at,  what  you  can  get
        languages  and  discourses  in  their  social  and  natural   carried away with"; prankster, prank - "one who loves to
        environment.                                              find fault,
                                                                 The next powerful source of the formation of the lexical
        At the present stage of the development of media discourse,
                                                                  composition of slang is metaphor. Here are metaphors
        an important role is played by the problems of linguistic
                                                                  proper  (such  as  pussy  -  "narrow  triangular  dark
        creativity,  which  in  turn  affects  linguistic  ecology.  The
        tendency of the formation of new words, terms and related   glasses",  zagolyak  -  "complete  absence  of  anything",
                                                                  extinguish  -  "kill"),  and  metonyms  (such  as  hairy  -
        concepts does not always obey the traditionally accepted
        linguistic laws of a particular language. Sometimes there is
        even a clear contradiction of new formations with the basic   In metaphor, there is often a humorous interpretation of the
        structure of the whole word-formation system.          signified.  As  an  example,  let's  call  metonyms:  splevich  -

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