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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        tissues within the affected  area, as well as monitoring of
        sound changes in the nearby area of the rectal wall.
        Checking the effectiveness of treatment
        Tissue Changing Monitoring (TCM) allows you to visually
        monitor the process of prostate treatment. If certain tissues
        have  not  been  heated  enough  to  destroy  them,  then  the
        imaging will be done with TCM color coding. This allows this
        part to be processed in real time to confirm that the entire
        prostate has been treated. TCM calculates the changes that
        are taking place and displays them on the screen. The radio
        frequency signal is sent to the treatment site before the HIFU
        procedure, then another signal is sent after the HIFU to the
        same site. TCM detects tissue changes based on real-time
        comparison of radio frequency (RF) ultrasound echoes at
        each treatment site.
        A special neurovascular bundle detector allows identifying
        blood vessels and nerves, as well as instantly integrating
        them into the image on the screen (Fig. 5). This makes it
        possible to automatically adjust the therapeutic plan for the
        procedure,  which  avoids  damage  to  the  neurovascular
        bundles  -  which  is  especially  important  for  maintaining
        erectile function.
                                                                       Fig 6 Marking of zones of the prostate
                                                               The safety function  built into the Sonablate®-500 device
                                                               allows  you  to  prevent  errors  and  even  interrupt  the
                                                               procedure if any of the parameters go beyond the safe limits.
                                                               The  rectal  wall  is  cooled  to  16-200  C  to  prevent  tissue
                                                               damage.  During  the  entire  procedure,  the  position  of  the
                                                               sensor relative to the rectal wall is constantly monitored.
                                                               Measurement of visual visibility and continuous comparison
                                                               with  reference  images  (Reflectivity  Index  Measurment  -
                                                               RIM). The Sonablate®-500 software allows the surgeon to
                                                               adjust  the  degree  of  exposure  in  each  of  the  conditional
                                                               zones  that  were  formed  during  the  marking  before
                                                               performing  the  ablation.  The  HIFU  signal  precisely  and
                                                               precisely affects the prostate tissue in different zones and
                                                               allows you to accurately determine the treatment area in
                                                               relation  to  the  borders  of  the  prostate  or  the  external
                                                               sphincter of the urinary bladder. After the completion of the
         Fig 5 Function of the neurovascular bundle detector.   operation, the bladder was drained with a Foley catheter 16-
        Wide viewing angle treatment                           18 Ch.
        A wide viewing angle of 900 allows visual coverage of the
        entire gland, and this allows most procedures to be carried   HIFU therapy in the treatment of BPH is one of the modern
        out  without  moving  the  probe.  This  feature  significantly   developing minimally invasive methods. Currently, there is
        reduces the time spent on treatment.                   insufficient  data  on  the  long-term  results  of  HIFU  use  in
        As shown in fig. 5, for the treatment of the entire prostate   patients with BPH. However, with the correct selection of
        gland as a whole is divided into several zones. The first zone   patients and appropriate indications, the prostate volume is
        is always located along the anterior part of the prostate with   up to 90 cubic meters. cm, no middle lobe, no complications
        subsequent  treatment  zones  towards  the  rectal  wall   of  BPH,  it  is  possible  to  achieve  significant  clinical
        (posterior  part),  thereby  ensuring  that  all  parts  of  the   improvement. All this allows us to conclude that the HIFU
        prostate are treated. A 4.0 cm probe must be used to treat   method has the right to exist as one of the minimally invasive
        the front (top row). To treat the central part of the prostate   methods of treating prostate adenoma, however, additional
        (central row), a 3.0 cm transceiver must be used, if the rectal   research is required in this direction.
        wall is at least 1.0 cm from the transceiver, then a 4.0 cm   Literature
        probe  is  used.  the  posterior  side  of  the  prostate  is  made   [1]   Гафаров Р.Р., Аллазов С.А., Гиясов Ш.И. Лазерная
        using a 3.0 cm transceiver.                                 энуклеация – новое слово в оперативном лечении
                                                                    доброкачественной гиперплазии предстательной
                                                                    железы. Вестник врача 1; 138-144.
                                                               [2]   Ткачук  В.Н.,  Лукьянов  А.Э.  Доброкачественная
                                                                    гиперплазия  предстательной  железы.  -  СПб.:
                                                                    Издательство «Спецлит», 2003.- 130 с.

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