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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Work (services) performed by construction companies and their implementation is one of the important indicators for the
        industry. On this  basis, based on the  existing  regulations on accounting, the proposal is 9030 - "Revenue  from work
        performed and services rendered", 9040 - "Return of work performed and services rendered" and 9050 - "Buyers and
        customers”. We consider it expedient to take into account the following additional accounts in the "given discounts" accounts.
                                                        Table 2
           Account                                                                                  Account
                                         Name of accounts                        Account status
           number                                                                                    change
            9030    INCOME FROM PERFORMED WORK AND SERVICES                         Passive       debit   credit
            9031    Income from the sale of housing to natural person                  P            -      +
            9032    Income from the sale of housing to legal person                    P            -      +
            9033    Income from the sale of non-residential premises to natural person   P          -      +
            9034    Income from the sale of non-residential premises to legal person   P            -      +
            9035    Income from the sale of construction machinery                     P            -      +
            9036    Revenues from the transportation of construction machinery         P            -      +
            9040    RETURN OF PERFORMED WORK AND SERVICES                       Counter-passive
            9041    Return of housing sold to natural person                           CP          +       -
            9042    Return of housing sold to legal person                             CP          +       -
            9043    Returnof non-residential premises to natural person                CP          +       -
            9044    Returnof non-residential premises to legal person                  CP          +       -
            9050    DISCOUNTS FOR BUYERS AND CUSTOMERS                          Counter-passive
            9051    Discounts for accommodation for natural person                     CP          +       -
            9052    Discounts for accommodation for legal person                       CP          +       -
            9053    Discounts for non-residential premises to natural person           CP          +       -
            9054    Discounts for non-residential premises to legal person             CP          +       -
            9055    Discounts on freight services for construction machinery           CP          +       -
            9056    Discounts on transportation services for construction machinery    CP          +       -

        Given  that  the  current  digital  economy  is  booming,  if  the  above  chart  of  accounts  is  used  correctly  by  accountants  in
        construction companies, it is a testament to the extensive work they have done to ensure that construction revenue returns are
        It is important that the auditor carefully verifies that the revolving accounts of the above accounts are properly reflected in the
        accounting records. In examining the principal benefits of a construction organization, the auditor requires that special
        attention be paid to the allocations. At the same time, the auditor's careful examination of contracts, consignment notes,
        consignment notes, invoices, invoices, power of attorney and other such primary accounting documents reduces the audit risk.

        List of used literature
        1.  Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2019 y.
        2.  Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2020 y.
        3.  Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No PF-4947 "On the Action Strategy for
            further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan." Issue 28 (6722) of the People's Word newspaper, February 8, 2017.

        4.  "On the Action Strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan." Issue 28 (6722) of the People's Word
            newspaper, February 8, 2017.
        5.  IFRS  No.  21  “Plan  of  accounting  of  financial  and  economic  activities  of  business  entities  and  the  Instruction  on  its
            application” dated 31.05.2017 (as amended).
        6.  IFRS 2 Operating Income. Approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan on August 20, 1998, No. 41.
        7.  National Accounting Standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan IFRS № 17- "Capital construction contracts". 02.11.1998.58-
        8.  International Accounting Standard IFRS 11 “Construction Contracts”. 01.01.1995 y.

        9.  Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis. 24.01.2020 y.
        10.  Urazov K.B. "Features of accounting in other industries"., Textbook.-T.:2019 y.
         [1]   https //. Database of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
         [2]   https //. and legal portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
         [3]   https //. bulletin of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Construction Department.

        29 Author O.KH Khalikulov's development.

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