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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        of the Republic of Uzbekistan" adopted in order to implement the priorities set out in the Action Strategy for the five priority
        areas.  This  normative-legal  document  takes  into  account  the  availability  of  machines  and  mechanisms  suitable  for  the
        construction organization, including:
                                                        Table 1
                                               Excavator (V      10-25 tons                          small
                Name of      Construction    bucket - 0.5 - 1 ,   truck crane    tower crane     mechanization
          №  construction   transport (pcs)                                         (pcs)
                                               5 m3) (pcs)          (pcs)                          tools (pcs)
                            number  point    number    point   number   point  number  point  number      point
          1     Complex
          2    Specialized
          3      Small

        It should be noted that the state of labor relations in construction companies does not meet today's requirements, there are still
        a number of problems in the use of modern construction machinery in their activities.
        In this regard, the government is developing a comprehensive program of measures to increase the efficiency and profitability
        of construction companies, especially in the radical modernization of construction machinery, the widespread introduction of
        market infrastructure, innovations, scientific advances, as well as further improvement of labor relations in construction. In
        today's  digital  and  innovative  economy,  special  attention  should  be  paid  to  the  efficiency  of  work  and  services  on  the
        modernization of construction machinery.
        In the context of the development of the digital economy, it is important and urgent to properly organize the cost of work
        (services) performed by construction companies in construction companies. One of the most difficult processes in construction
        companies is the analysis of production costs and cost. One of the main reasons for this is that costs are very confusing and
        difficult to account for. We need to pay special attention to the classification of costs in the accounting system .

                                              Total costs of construction organizations

                1.costs included in        2.Current costs          3. Expenses on                4.
                 the prime cost of           -costs for the        financial activities     Extraordinary
                  work (services)           manufacture of         - expenses on loan      losses, which are
                    performed                construction               interest;             taken into
                 - material costs; -         machinery;            - leasing expenses;        account in
                     salaries of          - operating costs of       - expenses on          calculating the
                    machinists;              construction          negative exchange         profit or loss
                  -other direct and          machinery;             rate differences.
                   indirect costs.         - other operating

         Figure 1. Classification of costs on the basis of the Regulation "On the structure of costs of production and sale of
                           goods (works, services) and the order of formation of financial results" .
        Proper cost accounting is one of the most important tasks in construction companies. Accounting requires that you pay
        attention to specific criteria for the exact cost of the expense account. The auditor should pay special attention to the correct
        calculation of the cost of services rendered, ie the audit criteria, arising from the operation of construction machinery directly
        in construction companies.
        In the context of the development of the digital economy in the country, one of the most effective areas is the study of
        compliance  of  accounting  and  auditing  with  international  standards  in  the  calculation  of  cost  and  financial  results  of

        15 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for determining and
        maintaining the rating of construction contractors and improving the activities of the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan."
        ID-10056.26.11.2019 y.
        16 O.Kh.Kholiqulov, M.M.Kurbanova"Issues of accounting and reporting in the service sector in accordance with international standards."
        Proceedings of the traditional online scientific-practical conference "Current issues of accounting, economic analysis and auditing in the
        service sector." (May 5, 2020). Samarkand -2020, pages 95-97.
        17 Developed by the author O.Kh. Khalikulov.

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