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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

           Accounting for Spare Parts of Construction Machinery in the

          Republic of Uzbekistan and Calculation of Cost of Services and

                                              Financial Results

                         Urazov Komil Bahromovich , Khalikulov Ozod Kholmirzayevich
                       1 Professor, Samarkand Economics and Service Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
                   2 Doctoral Student of Samarkand Economics and Service Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               machinery and equipment at a certain price, in practice, due
        This article explores the main objectives of the accounting   to  the  increase  in  prices,  return  at  a  high  price  of  10-20
        and auditing of machinery and spare parts for consruction   percent.  At  the  same  time,  one  of  the  important  tasks  of
        companies operating in the country. The article examines   accounting  is  the  timely  and  accurate  recording  of  these
        the theoretical basis and methodology of cost accounting   transactions. It should be  noted that in this case, we, the
        and audit of financial results of work (services) performed   borrower  and  the  lender,  have  a  scientific  and  practical
        by construction machinery in construction companies.   approach  based  on  the  general  type  of  tax,  that  is,

                                                               enterprises that are payers of value added tax.
        KEYWORDS: Construction machinery, work performed, cost of
        services,  cost  accounting,  construction  organizations,   When borrowing parts for construction machinery,
        accounting,  audit,  product,  prime  cost,  work  performed,   we must first note that the turnover of goods is defined
        methodology                                            as  the  transfer  of  inventories  on  the  basis  of  loan
                                                               agreements  in  the  calculation  of value  added  tax.  The
        At  a  time  when  the  digital  economy  is  developing  in  the   auditor is responsible for the activities of construction
        country,  the  consistent  positive  measures  taken  by  the   and manufacturing enterprises, ie both the lender (when
        government to support and encourage an active investment   lending  machine  parts)  and  the  borrower  (when
        climate,  innovative  ideas,  the  development  of  separate   returning machine parts to the lender) value added tax
        sectors in the field of production and services. a number of   (VAT)  it  is  necessary  to  check  whether  the  invoice  is
        software  areas  are  leading  to  the  rapid  development  of   written and reflected correctly.
        manufacturing activities, services and the service sector, as   The VAT rate has been reduced from 20% to 15%. As a
        well as the construction industry. In particular, the issue of   result,  2  trillion  soums  were  left  at  the  disposal  of
        radical  development  of  the  construction  industry  in  our   taxpayers last year. This figure is expected to reach 11
        country is given great importance as a key condition and   trillion soums this year. Having so much money at the
        criterion  for  the  rapid  development  of  our  economy.  Of   disposal of entrepreneurs in a year will definitely give
        course, one of the most important criteria for the successful   them  a  lot  of  additional  opportunities  to  grow  their
        implementation of such reforms is the effective accounting   business .
        and  auditing  of  machinery  in  construction  companies.  In
        order  to  improve  the  performance  of  machinery  in   Accordingly, if you have received construction machinery
        construction companies, it is advisable to properly take into   parts to be returned at a price higher than the price at
        account the condition of their spare parts, ie their borrowing,   which  they  were  borrowed,  returnable  construction
        and to properly audit them.                            machinery parts in accordance with the terms of the loan
                                                               agreement  in  the  invoice  issued  at  the  time  of  loan
        Materials for construction organizations come mainly from   repayment. you specify the price and the amount of VAT.
        suppliers,  general  contractors  and  subcontractors,   The  tax  base  for  the  sale  of  goods  (services)  is
        customers, supply and sales companies . t the same time, we   determined  in  accordance  with  Article  247  of  the
        know  that  the  correct  accounting  and  control  of  the   taxpayer, depending on the specifics of the sale of goods
        movement of machine parts in the existing production and   (services)  produced  by  him.  In  this  case,  the  cost  of
        construction enterprises in the country will be the basis for   purchasing  spare  parts  for  returned  construction
        improving  the  activities  of  all  construction  and
                                                               machinery  is  the  tax  base  for  VAT.  Let's  consider  a
        manufacturing enterprises.                             conditional example of these operations, ie “Samarkand
        The construction and manufacturing enterprises operating in   Ta’mir  Dizayn”  (Borrower,  VAT  payer)  under  a short-
        the country are organized in a consistent manner. Therefore,   term  loan  agreement  in  the  amount  of  11.5  million
        it is important to always have spare parts for construction   soums, including VAT. provided construction machinery
        machinery. It should be noted that sometimes, during the   parts.
        effective use of construction machinery, they often fail in a   “Samarkand Ta’mir Dizayn” is auditedon the account of
        timely manner. At such times, it is natural to be forced to   spare parts for construction machinery received by the
        borrow spare parts for construction machinery. In this case,
                                                               borrower through the following accounting entries:
        there are cases when the borrowed parts for construction

        1 Urazov K.B. Textbook "Features of accounting in other industries."   2 Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat
        Toshkent.2019 y                                        Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis. 24.01.2020 y.

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