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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Diversification  is  an  increase  in  the  type  of  goods  and   Development  and  diversification  of  monetary  policy
        services  produced  by  a  particular  enterprise  or   liberalization  in  the  organizational  and  functional
        conglomerate or economy  [6].                          management system of the innovative economy, which leads
                                                               to the development of the national economy and the use of
        Diversification  is  a  measure  applied  to  the  expansion  of
                                                               digital  technologies  and  increased  competition  between
        industrial production into a wide range of activities and thus   industries.
        not to become overly dependent on only one type of product
        [7].                                                   Further acceleration of the renewal process on the basis of
                                                               modern  international  standards  in  the  liberalization  and
        Diversification is the process of ensuring the stability of the
                                                               diversification of monetary policy in all areas through the
        amount of profit that comes from them through the purchase   organization of innovative production fairs.
        of securities of different enterprises [8].
                                                               Given the crucial role of changes in monetary indicators in
        Diversification  is  the  simultaneous  development  of  many
                                                               ensuring the stability of the exchange rate, the Central Bank
        unrelated production types [9].
                                                               should ensure the stability of the national currency and low
        Diversification is the diversification of an enterprise from   inflation through the active and widespread use of monetary
        one sector to another [10].                            instruments.
        Diversification is the expansion of the range of enterprises,   Control over the task of conducting a strict monetary policy
        firms, corporations at the expense of industries other than   aimed at preventing excessive and unjustified growth of the
        the main business, their entry into other industries and the   money  supply,  ensuring  the  balance  of  government
        market of new goods and services [11].                 expenditures and revenues.

        “Diversification  is  the  penetration  of  firms  into  other   Improving  government  support  for  research  and
        industries that are not directly related or functionally related   development in higher education and research institutions in
        to the core industry. Diversification is associated with the   the  country  (ITTKI)  and  applied  research  in  the  form  of
        intersectoral concentration of production and the process of   orders and grants in the liberalization and diversification of
        structural restructuring of the economy. In a broad sense, it   foreign exchange policy.
        means the expansion of economic activity into new areas, in   Taking into account the above recommendations, the main
        other words  the range of products, types of services and   factors for the modernization of the chemical industry in our
        expansion into new areas.”
                                                               country,  the  acceleration  of  technical  and  technological
        "Diversification of industrial production is a transition from   renewal are:
        one-way production based on the production of one type of   Improving the process of liberalization and diversification of
        product to multi-industry production with a wide range of
                                                               foreign exchange policy in the implementation of state and
                                                               regional  programs  developed  and  implemented  by  the
        American economists S. Fisher, R. Dornbush, R. Schmalenzi   government;
        define diversification as "a strategy aimed at reducing the   Increase the effectiveness of bank loans in the liberalization
        level of risk by dividing it into several assets." According to
                                                               of  foreign  exchange  policy  in  the  development  of  foreign
        them, the main rule of diversification is "not to keep all the   investment climate;
        eggs in one basket."  While this definition is somewhat more
        general,  it  fully  reflects  the  economic  nature  of   Development of internal and external infrastructure of the
        diversification.                                       country  (construction,  services,  utilities,  water,  gas,
                                                               electricity, transport, tourism, logistics, and others.);
        In  the  context  of  rapid  development  of  the  innovative
        economy in the liberalization and diversification of monetary   Take into account the role of foreign exchange policy in the
        policy  in  Uzbekistan,  as  well  as  the  modernization  of  all   radical modernization of the construction industry and the
        sectors,  the  development  of  technical  and  strategic   expansion of exports and imports of finished products.
        objectives,  it  is  expedient  to  implement  the  following   On the basis of these data, the positive development of the
                                                               modernization environment in the country depends on the
        Minimization  of  backwardness  in  the  liberalization  of   liberalization and diversification of monetary policy.
        monetary policy in strategically important areas of monetary
        policy  on  the  basis  of  modern  and  best  international   “Modernization  is  a  process  of  technological  renewal  of
                                                               production  aimed  at  increasing  the  competitiveness  of
                                                               manufactured products (works and services). It is a means of
        Development  of  long-term  modernization  in  the     eliminating the technological waste of enterprises and has a
        liberalization  and  diversification  of  monetary  policy,  the   drastic impact on the efficient use of labor, material and raw
        investment  climate  that  promotes  the  implementation  of   material resources. The results of modernization, technical
        projects on international investment;                  and technological renewal determine the conditions for the
                                                               rapid development of high-tech competitive production [12].
        9  Bolshoy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar / A.M.Proxorov. - izd.2-  [1]   Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (new edition).
        e. - SPb .: «Norint», 2001. - p.355                         Section  I.  General  rules.  Chapter  1  “Basic  Rules”.
        10        NNSV         PSY        Lab         Server        Article 6 Application of international tax treaties of
        (  -  economic   the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2020 y.
        11  Fisher S., Dornbush R., Shmalenzi R. Economy: per. s angl. so 2 -   [2]   Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
        go izd. - M.: Delo, 1997. - 351 p.                          No.  PF-4947  of  February  7,  2017  "On  the  Action

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