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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        It was noted that the priorities of the state economic policy   Increase the limited annual number of employees from 50 to
        in the field of further liberalization of the foreign exchange   200 when considering construction organizations as small
        market are as follows:                                 businesses [2].
        First, to ensure full realization of the right of legal entities   At  the  same  time,  one  of  the  main  tasks  is  to  ensure  the
        and individuals to freely buy and sell foreign currency and to   compliance of accounting data with international standards.
        freely dispose of their funds at will;                 In this regard, a number of normative and legal documents
                                                               are  being  developed  in  the  country.  In  particular,  their
        Secondly,  the  use  of  only  market  mechanisms  in   improvement is taking into account the harmonization of
        determining  the  exchange  rate  of  the  national  currency
                                                               national accounting standards with IFRS [3].
        against foreign currency;
                                                               It is obvious that in the liberalization and diversification of
        Third, to increase the role of market instruments in the use   monetary  policy  in  our  country,  the  role  of  monetary
        of foreign exchange resources, to create a level playing field
                                                               relations  based  on  internal  principles  is  important.  It  is
        for all economic entities in the foreign exchange market, to   appropriate for us to focus on the concept of diversification
        increase  the  stimulating  role  of  monetary  policy  in   in the context of our research. As a result of diversification in
        developing exports in non-traditional sectors, strengthening   our country there is a wide range of complexes (For example,
        regional and international economic cooperation;
                                                               agro-industrial  complex,  forest  industry)  that  produce  a
        Fourth,  improving  the  business  and  investment  climate   variety of goods, services and are engaged in production,
        which  will  serve  to  attract  foreign  direct  investment,   supply  and  development,  and  this  is  called  production
        knowledge and technology to all sectors of the economy to   diversification. In addition to its credit diversification. there
        directly stimulate the production of quality jobs and high   is also a view (in which the capital provided as a loan is
        value-added products;                                  distributed among various objects in order to reduce risk
                                                               and obtain high returns). Such diversification is associated
        Fifth, the implementation of a strict monetary policy aimed   with the process of cross-sectoral capital concentration and
        at ensuring the stability of the national currency, the active   increasing   inter-enterprise   internal   instability.
        and adaptive use of monetary instruments, the development   Diversification processes began to develop rapidly, especially
        of the government securities market, as well as open market   from the mid-1950s. One of the main reasons for this is that
        operations and operations to pledge government securities   the  acceleration  of  scientific  and  technological  progress
        to bank liquidity;
                                                               during this period has led to an intensification of competition
        Sixth, to prevent excessive growth of the money supply by   between enterprises and firms. As a result, the profit margins
        coordinating monetary and fiscal policies and ensuring the   of enterprises have become relatively equal, and the sources
        balance of the state budget;                           of  specialization  to  increase  production  efficiency  have
                                                               become relatively equal, and the sources of specialization to
        Seventh, to increase the resilience of the banking system and
                                                               increase production efficiency have become relatively equal.
        its  risk  tolerance,  including  through  the  application  of   In  this  regard,  it  can  be  said  that  the  need  to  implement
        effective measures aimed at mitigating the possible negative   diversification processes was initially manifested at the level
        effects of liberalization of monetary policy;
                                                               of micro-enterprises, firms and companies. It was from this
        Eighth, to take the necessary measures for state support for   period  that  the  economic  content  and  essence,  goals  and
        the enterprises of the basic industries to operate effectively   directions  of  diversification  began  to  be  studied  in  the
        in the new conditions of monetary policy;              economic literature [4].
        The Ninth of that is that the implementation of targeted   Since the word diversification is a modern term that began to
        measures for comprehensive social support that will reduce   be used in our country at a time when the current innovative
        the negative consequences of the liberalization of foreign   economy is developing, we need to explain its essence more
        exchange  policy  on  the  living  standards  of  vulnerable   deeply. However, a correct understanding of the meaning of
        groups.                                                this  word,  its  application  in  practice  can  increase  the
                                                               efficiency of any legal entity.
        From the above-mentioned priorities, it is clear that in our
        country there is a relationship of international agreements   "Diversification"  is  derived  from  the  Latin  word
        on the basis of tax legislation. Application of international   (diversificatio),  which  means  change,  diversity,  giving
        agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan on taxation and   something a multifaceted, combined, multidisciplinary tone.
        general norms of international tax law shall be carried out in    what is diversification? "Diversification" (Lat. Diversi fi catio
        accordance with the procedure established by this Article   - change, diversity) - the expansion and renewal of the range
                                                               of  activities  and  products  of  enterprises  (associations).
        In order to deepen the structural reforms clearly defined in   Diversification  is  done  for  the  purpose  of  achieving  high
        the  Action  Strategy,  increase  the  competitiveness  of  the   efficiency, economic profit, liquidation of bankruptcy and
        national  economy  through  the  modernization  and    other purposes.
        diversification  of  key  sectors,  the  following  tasks  are   Diversification is the expansion of the range of goods and
                                                               services in a firm or geographical region [5].

        6   Decree  of  the  President  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  dated   7  Dictionary of foreign words. M., «Slavyanskiy dom knigi», 1998. -
        September 2, 2017 PF-5177 "On priority measures to liberalize the   509 p.
        exchange rate."                                        8

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