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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        including VAT. “Samarkand Ta’mir Dizayn” returned to SUFAT ID LLC 11.5 million soums, including VAT, within the
        period specified in the loan agreement, but “Samarkand Ta’mir Dizayn” bought spare parts for these construction
        machines for higher price, 1.5 million soums (including VAT).
         “SUFAT ID LLC” The creditor's account of construction machinery spare parts is audited on the basis of the following
        accounting entries:

                                                        Table 1
         №      Stages                 Name of economic operation                   Correspondent       Amount
                                                                                  Debit      Credit
                           The borrowing of construction machinery and
                           equipment was reflected                                 5830       9220      10 000,0

                           VAT was calculated (1 million soums 15%)                5830       6410      1 500,0
          1.               The cost of spare parts for construction machinery and   9220      1010      10 000,0
                           equipment was written off                                         (1090)
                           The loan was repaid Previously lent construction return   1010-
                 Loan                                                                         5830      10 000,0
          2.               of machine parts is reflected                           1090
                           Amount of VAT to be taken into account                  4410       5830      1 500,0
        It is expedient for the auditor to conduct an audit of construction machinery parts in accordance with the established
        legislation  during  the  direct  audit.  Lending  and  borrowing  of  construction  machinery  spare  parts  occurs  in  all
        construction and manufacturing enterprises.

        According to the current legislation of the Republic, under a loan agreement, one party (the lender) transfers to the
        other party (the borrower) money or other items marked with the characteristics of the type, and the borrower to the
        lender at once or in installments , undertakes to return the same amount of money or items (loan amount) equal to the
        type, quality and quantity of the borrowed items.
        In ensuring the digital economy and economic stability of the Republic and a decent life of the population, a special place is
        given to the creation of a favorable business environment for government agencies, businesses (construction companies) and
        individuals, their effective use of construction projects.
        Therefore, over the past period, a number of reforms have been carried out in the movement of construction companies, the full
        support of their activities, the performance of work (services) by construction machinery. As a result, the work (services)
        performed by machinery in construction companies have become the main producers of the final products of the construction
        company.Most importantly, as a result of these reforms, we must create a prosperous and decent living environment for our
        people. If we don't do these very important things ourselves, no one will come to us from abroad .In our country, it is
        important to accelerate the development of the digital economy, innovation processes and increase the efficiency of production,
        services and construction, as well as employment in a market economy.In the construction sector of our national economy, the
        main focus is on the rational and efficient use of material, labor, financial resources and services of construction machinery, the
        elimination of inefficient costs and losses. In this regard, the "Action Strategy for the further development of the Republic of
        Uzbekistan for 2017-2021" provides for 151 million dollars for 29 projects further expansion of production of construction
        materials. In 2017-2021, it is planned to implement sectoral programs involving 649 investment projects totaling $ 40 billion.
        In rural areas, it is planned to build 15,000 affordable housing, 415 kilometers of water supply pipelines, 316 kilometers of gas
        supply pipelines and 291 kilometers of internal roads. In this regard, the state program outlines the following main tasks:
          strengthening the material and technical base of design and construction organizations, providing tax and other benefits
            and incentives for the introduction of new construction technologies. In particular, 5.7% of the gross domestic product
            (GDP) of 407.5 trillion soums created in 2018 had to be built .
        Today, the construction industry has become one of the most important "drivers" of the economy. The fact that the share of this
        sector in the GDP created in 2019 exceeded 6% clearly confirms this idea. In order to further develop this sector, it is necessary
        to harmonize construction norms with international standards, introduce modern construction technologies and materials, and
        radically reform the system of training for the industry .
        As a result of the reforms, 3,700 construction projects were implemented in 2018-2019 . It should be noted that the analysis of
        the work done so far shows that along with the achievements in the field of construction, there are a number of unresolved
        issues and shortcomings. Machinery in the construction industry in the implementation of multidisciplinary activities, such as
        the performance of work (services), the provision of construction organizations with material and technical resources and their
        maintenance, the positive provision of machinery in the construction industry there are also problems.
        The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for
        determining and maintaining the rating of construction contractors and improving the activities of the Ministry of Construction

        10 2020 year. “SUFAT I D” LLC information of financial account
        11 Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis. 24.01.2020 y.
        12 - Information Service of the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
        13 "Address to the Oliy Majlis" of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev dated January 24,
        14 official page February 14, 2020.

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