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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Credit 4010 "Accounts receivable from buyers and customers"
        Proceeds from the sale will be transferred to the final financial result account at the end of the reporting period. To this end, the
        auditor compares the entries in the debit of account 9030 "Income from works and services" in the construction company with
        the entries in the credit account 9900 "Final financial result". These data are compared with the General Ledger, the current
        accounts in the 1S program, and the Financial Statement Form 2 “Financial Performance Report” indicators. Other income from
        operating activities in the process of profit audit in construction organizations, ie income from the sale of fixed assets (account
        9310), income from the sale of other assets (account 9320), levied fines (account 9330), income from other main activities
        (9340 and on account 9390). Penalties will be credited to account 5110, which is a cash account. At the end of the reporting
        period, these revenues will also be transferred to account 9900, Final Financial Results. It is important for the auditor to pay
        particular attention to the accuracy of such accounting transactions in the accounts.
        The profitability of construction companies is an important indicator of quality and efficient use of resources. Depending on the
        amount of profit received, it is possible to know the return on assets. The audit provides an opportunity to develop sound
        recommendations for further enhancing the profitability of the analyzed asset by type of asset. Profit is an important object of
        the audit. The auditor verifies that the benefits have been properly accounted for under the contract and have been used in
        accordance with regulatory requirements during the year. Such an audit is carried out through accounts 8710 "Retained
        earnings (uncovered losses) for the reporting period", 9900 - "Final financial result" and other accounts. The auditor verifies
        the correctness of the construction company's profitability through the following operations::
           verification of transactions by type of income received;
           check transactions by type of expense incurred;
           review of profit transactions used during one financial period.
        The audit of the construction company's profit is carried out by checking the accounting entries in the account 9900 - "Final
        financial result". We approach such an inspection procedure on the example of the construction company SUFAT i D. The
        following entries were made in the account 9900 - "Final financial result" of construction organizations for the reporting
        Debit9910 - «Final financial result»          Credit
        Balance-                             Balance-
        2)    180 120,0                      1)1 056 444,0

        4)    525 600,0                      3) 785 641,0
        5) 1 124 501,0                       6) 278 222,0
        7)    214 501,0                      8) 545 689,0
                                             Credit turnover2 665 996,0
        Debit turnover2 044 722,0
                                             Final balance621 274,0
        It is known that the total income of agricultural enterprises for the reporting period amounted to 2,665,996.0 soums, total
        expenses - 2,044,722.0 soums, and profits - 621,274.0 soums. This figure is subject to tax. The amount of tax was reflected in
        the accounts 9810, 9030, 6410, 5110 during the year. The auditor examines the annual income tax using the following
        accounting entries. Income tax accrued and paid during the year :
        Debit  9810,9030                Credit      6410                Amount     74 552,88

        Debit  6410                        Credit      5110               Amount     74 552,88
        What is the profit tax indicator for each financial period of these transactions, compliance with tax legislation is thoroughly
        studied by the auditor based on the data in the table below.

                                                        Table 1
             №  Type of tax  2019 yil (previous period) Base rate  2020 yil (in practise) base rate  Difference +/-
             1.   Profit tax                12%                              15%                    +3%
        To do this, a special table in the financial statements «Financial results in construction companies is widely used. The auditor
        directly checks the financial statements by comparing them with current accounting data and determines their compliance with
        existing regulatory documents in the field. The auditor checks the distribution of net profit (loss coverage) for the reporting
        year through the following accounting entries:
        Debit  8710                Credit   8531          Amount«Profit amount»

        Debit  8531                Credit   8710          Amount«Amount of losses»

        25 Urazov K.B. "Features of accounting in other industries"., Textbook.-T.:2019 y.
        26 Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan Section 5. Chapter 19. Article 126.
        27 "SUFAT i D" LLC is based on the data of 2019.
        28 Author O.KH Khalikulov's development.

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