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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
based on thermal effect on tissue. HIFU is focused ultrasonic Today, all over the world, ultrasound ablation is used for the
waves emitted by a transducer that cause tissue damage radical or palliative treatment of patients with tumor
through mechanical, thermal and cavitation effects. HIFU neoplasms of various localization: liver, pancreas, kidneys,
transmits ultrasonic energy, followed by thermal destruction prostate, breast, bone tissue, soft tissue sarcomas [20-24].
of tissues at specific distant points from the ultrasound Significant experience has been accumulated abroad in
probe without significant temperature rise or tissue damage carrying out such procedures, however, due to the relative
in the path of the ultrasound beam. Recently, the use of HIFU youth of the method, there is still no need to talk about long-
has expanded both in urological practice and in surgery and term results (except for data on ultrasonic ablation of
oncology [7, 8, 9]. prostate cancer).
The first work on the study of the biological effects of high- HIFU therapy for the radical treatment of patients with
intensity ultrasound was carried out by Wood and Loomis malignant neoplasms is most often used in the treatment of
[10] in 1926-1927. in Tuxedo Park, New Jersey. They localized forms of prostate cancer, as evidenced by the data
observed the effect of ultrasonic waves on unicellular of large randomized trials. Blana et al. [25], published the
microorganisms, tissues, small fish and animals. In 1942 results of HIFU therapy in 146 patients with a mean follow-
Lynn J.G., Zwemer R.L., Chick A. J., Miller A.G. the first work up period of 22.5 months.
was published describing the possibility of local heating of
In Russia, the method of HIFU-therapy of oncological
tissues when focusing ultrasonic waves to one point. In their
diseases began to gain popularity only at the beginning of the
article, scientists describe a generator used in their work to
focus ultrasonic waves, demonstrate the results of such an XXI century [26]. In the clinic of urology named after R.M.
Fronshteyn 1-MGMU them. THEM. Sechenov, high-intensity
effect in experiments on paraffin blocks and beef liver [11].
focused ultrasound ablation of the prostate with the
Although HIFU research began as early as the 1940s at "Ablaterm" apparatus of the "EDAP" company has been used
Indiana University, the study of the potential of HIFU since 2003. Over the past period, 95 treatment sessions have
developed significantly in the 1950s. As a method for the been performed. All patients underwent a conventional
treatment of oncological diseases, HIFU was first proposed examination, including magnetic resonance imaging of the
by A.K. Burov in 1956 [12, 13]. Due to the lack of visual prostate with contrast [27].
control, the proven effectiveness of focused ultrasound in the
In 2012, doctors and scientists from the Samara Regional
destruction of tumor tissues at that time did not find clinical
Clinical Oncological Dispensary demonstrated the
possibilities of high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation in
In the 1970s. L. D. Rosenberg and M.G. Sirotyuk [14] patients with hormone-resistant localized and locally
developed non-invasive methods for measuring the acoustic advanced prostate cancer. The study involved 341 patients.
field in tissues, a method for monitoring temperature The mean follow-up time after ultrasound ablation was 36
measurement and increasing cavitation in tissues using (3-52) months, with significant clinical efficacy 3-year
special receivers, which made it possible to understand the relapse-free survival in 95.5%. Two years later, the same
mechanism of the destructive effect of ultrasound [15]. scientists presented an estimate of the overall and 5-year
relapse-free survival in 86.2% of patients with prostate
In the early 1990s, there was an early study of the role of
cancer [28 ].
HIFU in the treatment of BPH. A ground-breaking study was
the work in experimental animals (dogs) on the safety and The emergence and development of such visual control
efficacy of HIFU by Sanghvi et al. In 1992-93. at the Indiana methods as ultrasound and MRI made it possible to evaluate
University School of Medicine Bihrle et al. with the help of the effectiveness of the procedure performed online, and to
HIFU, the first group of patients with BPH was treated [6]. At control the zone of exposure to focused ultrasound. Since
the same time, the question arose about the possibility of then, the biological effects of the action of high-intensity
using HIFU in the treatment of prostate cancer. And, the first focused ultrasound on biological systems have been studied
application for the treatment of prostate cancer in humans more deeply, and considerable experience has been
was started in 1994 (Michael Marberger and Stephan accumulated in its application in medical practice [9, 29, 30].
Madersbacher) at the University of Vienna in Austria using
Thus, this method of treatment was developed as a
the Sonablate-200 equipment [16]. The goal was to see if the
minimally invasive method of treatment, comparable in its
energy delivered was sufficient to destroy the desired tissue.
Research has shown that the treatment can be done safely. effectiveness with the surgical method of treatment and
various types of radiation therapy, but with fewer
Since then, several research papers have been published on
complications. Currently, the effectiveness of HIFU therapy is
the use of HIFU, including a 5-year observation by Blana A. et
al. [17] and a multicenter study in Europe by Thuroff S. et al. widely discussed in the medical community. Today in the
world there is a highly developed material and technical base
for the implementation of the method. Every year more and
In 1995, another study from Indiana University showed that more medical institutions are equipped with equipment for
the entire prostate could be treated without damaging the HIFU-therapy under the control of MRI or ultrasound. A
prostate capsule or rectal wall. In 1999, in Japan, Dr. Toyaki significant number of publications by doctors and scientists
Uchida treated patients with Sonablate-200. The device from different countries of the world on this topic testifies to
received approval for use in Europe with the CE mark in the effectiveness of using the method and the prospects for
2001 and 2004, and the treatment became available in conducting large-scale multicenter studies in this direction in
hospitals and treatment centers in Mexico, Costa Rica, South Uzbekistan as well.
Africa and the Caribbean. Health Canada approved
HIFU has many unique features and qualities, some of which
Sonablate®-500 in June 2005 and the first Sonablate®-500
HIFU surgeries were performed in Toronto in March 2006 are described here:
ID: IJTSRD41125 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 142