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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        construction machinery and their positive control. is calculated. It is known that many economists in our country have
        conducted  research  in  this  area.  Including  K.B.Urazov,  D.Rafeyev,  M.Umarova,  U.Eshboyev,  K.Akhmadjonov,  N.Jurayev,
        O.Bobojonov, F.Abduvaxidov, D.Sotivoldiyeva, A.Karimov, F.Islomov, A.Avlakulov , U.Inoyatov, M.Abdullayev, M.Khamidova
        covered the theoretical and practical aspects of accounting and auditing in business entities engaged in construction activities.
        Financial result - is an increase (or decrease) in the equity of an enterprise, association, joint stock company, etc. during a
        particular reporting period, in the course of its business activities .
        Final financial result - is determined on the basis of the difference between the income and expenses accounted for in the
        financial statements during the reporting period .
        Financial result-is the profit or loss for the reporting period. Profitability is an indicator of efficiency.
        Financial result - is an increase or decrease in an entity's equity during the period in which it operates .
        The results of economic activity - are the results of economic activity of enterprises and organizations, which are the profit or
        loss .
        Financial result (Profit or loss) - is the result after deducting expenses from total income other than other components of
        gross income .
        The final financial result (profit or loss) is the reduction of operatingexpenses, financing activities and extraordinary income
        to the amount of expenses for these activities .
        Based on the above definitions, I recommend the following definition as a suggestion.
        The final financial result is the actual state of profit or loss on the activities of any business entity during the reporting period,
        ie the end result .
        It should be noted that the audit of financial results in construction companies is one of the most important and integral parts
        of the audit, and its conduct has its own characteristics. At the same time, auditors require construction companies to perform
        work based on the type of activity, the formation of financial results, sources, the principles of distribution of financial results.
        The auditor checks the formation of financial results in construction companies through the following accounting records: 9030
        -  "Income  from  works  and  services",  9130  -  "Accounts  for  the  cost  of  goods  sold  (goods,  works,  services)",  9700  -
        "Extraordinary profit (loss) ) accounts 9800 - "Profit use accounts for the payment of taxes and fees", 9900 - "Final financial
        result" and other accounts. The calculation of income from construction work performed by construction companies depends
        on the method of their recognition. These methods include:
          full completion method;
          percentage of completion method;
          step method.
        Income from operating activities in construction organizations consists of income from the sale of work (services), fixed assets
        and other assets. These revenues are credited to accounts 9030 "Revenues from works and services" and debited to accounts
        4010 "Accounts receivable from customers" and 5110 "Accounts receivable". Revenues from construction (works, services)
        sold for cash are directly reflected in account 5010. The amount of income from work performed on the basis of the "Certificate
        of cost of work performed (expenses) - invoice" is recorded as follows:
        Debit 4010 "Accounts receivable"
        Credit 9030 "Income from work performed and services".
        Prior to the commencement of construction, the customer must transfer at least 15% of the design and estimate value of the
        construction work to the contractor's account in advance, ie in installments, in accordance with the terms of the contract.
        Accounts payable to customers in construction organizations are recorded in account 6310 "Paints received from customers
        and customers". The amount of paint received from customers on the account of the construction organization is reflected in
        the accounting as follows:

        Debit 5110 "Accounts"
        Credit 6310 "Paints received from customers"
        Paints received from customers reduction is carried out.This reductionis reflected in the accounting as follows:
        Debit 6310 "Paints from buyers and customers"

        18  M.Umarova, O.Eshboyev, K.Akhmadjanov "Accounting". Textbook. Mehnat Publishing House. T.:1999. p 192.
        19 U.Inoyatov, M.Abdullayev, M.Khamidova "Accounting". Study guide. Finance Publishing House. T.:2003.p 112
        20 A.Karimov, F.Islomov, A.Avlakulov «Accounting». Textbook. Editor-in-chief of Sharq Publishing and Printing Joint-Stock Company.T.:2004.
        Page 384.
        21 KBUrazov "Accounting and audit". Study guide. Teacher Publishing House. 18
        22 No. 1 International Accounting Standard "Presentation of Financial Statements". (As amended in 2005).
        23 IFRS No. 21 “Chart of Accounts for Financial and Economic Activities of Business Entities and Instructions for its Application” dated
        31.05.2017 (as amended). Part 5 .Section 10.
        24 Recommendation of the author O.Kh. Khalikulov..

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